IREK – AESM: Institutional Repository of Economic Knowledge
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Митиогло, Анастасия; Паскар, Екатерина; Паскару, Юлия
(ASEM, 2024-03)
The significance of this article is related to the increasing number of residents of the IT park in Moldova, rapidly developing IT technologies, increased demand in the accounting of the IT park, and changes occurring in ...
Uzun, Iana
(ASEM, 2024-03)
This analysis includes a number of challenges, including lack of infrastructure, limited access to finance and low resource efficiency. In addition, prospects for the development of agriculture were identified, such as ...
Ceavdari, Ivan
(ASEM, 2024-03)
Business accounting practices play a key role in ensuring financial transparency and managerial efficiency. This article discusses the basic accounting methods used in enterprises, including double entry, balance sheet, ...
Чешкова, Ирина
(ASEM, 2024-03)
In this article the author studies the gross regional product of ATU Gagauzia, both in relation to the Gross Domestic Product of the Republic of Moldova and in comparison with the Gross Regional Product of economic regions. ...
Балануца, Владимир; Хитряк, Анна
(ASEM, 2024-03)
This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the accounting structure in Moldova, comparing it with the accounting systems in the European Union (specifically Germany, France, and Italy) and the United States. It ...
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