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  • Platon, Nicolae; Țurcanu, Igor (ASEM, 2022-06)
    The place of tax havens in the contemporary economy is highly controversial. Some authors, or some institutions, support and provide statistical evidence to show that tax optimization or tax evasion through these companies ...
  • Chirilov, Ionela (ASEM, 2022-04)
    Étant à l'ère des développements continus dans tous les domaines, nous arrivons au fait que nous vivons dans une modernisation qui a conquis tout l'univers. L'idée d'entrepreneuriat social a une connotation extrêmement ...
  • Solcan, Angela (ASEM, 2021-12)
    În această lucrare, sunt investigate piața serviciilor de consultanță din Republica Moldova și tendințele de dezvoltare ale acesteia. Cercetarea se bazează pe analiza datelor secundare, precum și pe rezultatele sondajului ...
  • Cojocaru, Maiana (ASEM, 2021-04)
    L’actualité du sujet de recherche tient à l’intérêt croissant de la population pour le domaine gastronomique et à sa volonté de changer son alimentation, d’essayer de nouveaux produits. La gastronomie est un domaine qui a ...
  • Șendrea, Mariana (ASEM, 2021-06)
    În prezentul articol, sunt prezentate experiențele și rezultatele diferitelor companii, care confirmă actualitatea și necesitatea abordării efectelor benefice ale modificărilor programului de lucru și modalitățile de ...
  • Savca, Ana-Maria (Print-Caro, 2023-04)
    Online marketing is a reality that any entity in the Republic of Moldova should take into account, regardless of its size. The application of marketing strategies in this field must be done at the same time as the new ...
  • Caradja, Alina (ASEM, 2019-03)
    Scopul prezentei investigații constă în analiza evoluţiei fenomenelor demografice în Republica Moldova și în determinarea rolului acestora asupra potențialului uman al agriculturii, în calitate de ramură de bază în mediul ...
  • Turcov, Elena; Turcov, Ana (ASEM, 2018-09)
    Tourism is the subject of research as part of the economic field, including the business of tourism, the quality of natural resources such as landscape, air water, flora and fauna, the cumulative effect of tourism in the ...
  • Casap, Lucia; Savciuc, Oxana (ASEM, 2017-09)
    Marketing has seen in its short existence several approaches, descriptions, and uses. Simultaneously with the increase in the population, which automatically generates an increase in the sales markets, it can be observed ...
  • Lungu, Felicia (ASEM, 2020-06)
    The Theory of Constraints is a methodology for identifying the most important limiting factor that stands in the way of achieving a goal and then systematically improving that constraint until it is no longer the limiting ...
  • Remeșovschi, Natalia (ASEM, 2022)
    Luând în considerație importanța pe care o au consumatorii în realizarea obiectivelor companiilor, apare necesitatea monitorizării și identificării stadiului de dezvoltare a relațiilor cu clienții, dar și a nivelului de ...
  • Nicolaescu, Victor (ASEM, 2021-03)
    The current economic and managerial trends condition the realization of complex studies on the factors that have a significant impact on the economic agents. At the same time, it is certain that each factor has an influence ...
  • Paslari, Andrei (ASEM, 2022-06)
    In this paper we develop on economic theories standing at the base of the creation of “fintech” from Keynesian to Neo-Schumpeterian Economics.The emergence of a decentralized peer-to-peer platforms that matches lending and ...
  • Cotelnic, Ala (ASEM, 2022-06)
    At the current stage of development and reform of higher education in the Republic of Moldova, the management system of higher education faces a significant number of serious problems, sometimes very difficult to solve. ...
  • Șendrea, Mariana; Buciușcan, Silvia (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2013)
    Different kinds of changes require different strategies and plans to effectively gain employee engagement and acceptance of change. The three types of change that occur most frequently in organizations are developmental, ...
  • Левитская, Алла; Яниогло, Надежда (ASEM, 2022-06)
    The consequences of the COVID-19 pandemic have negatively affected the economic downturn in many countries, exposing the socio-economic vulnerability of women and the relevance of gender disparity issues. This is expressed ...
  • Власенко, Наталья (ASEM, 2021-03)
    The coronavirus pandemic has wreaked harm on global tourism. At the same time, the Kherson region, which, after the weakening of quarantine restrictions, remained one of the most popular regions for tourism. The purpose ...
  • Gole, Iulian; Dumitrache, Victor Marian; Diaconu, Amelia; Niculescu, Marcela Antoneta (ASEM, 2020)
    In times when the Corona virus pandemic is a huge source of trouble for public health and a Gordian knot for global economy, there is an economic sector which struggles to present itself if not a saviour in the crisis at ...
  • Tudorică, Mihaela (ASEM, 2023-03)
    This paper examines the evolution and transformation of tourism distribution channels, focusing on the role the Internet has played in such a process. This paper indicates that the advance of information and communication ...
  • Troacă, Victor Adrian; Gole, Iulian; Rotaru, Ciprian; Postolache, Alexandru Gabriel (ASEM, 2018-09)
    This article focuses on the main aspects of the tourist potential of the Romanian seaside. Tourism refers to all means that favor the development of societies and their formation, developing economic, social and cultural ...

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