The manufacturing industry, the largest activity in the Romanian economy considering the components, contributes sustainably to the development of the economy, an aspect that we want to argue in this paper. The current phenomena that influence various failures of the national economy also mark the manufacturing industry. Using statistical indicators such as the number of units that deal with one or other of the manufacturing industries, their turnover, the number of employees, the investments in the field as well as other indicators will support us in order to establish their role in the economic development of Romania, along with other studies on the subject. According to the latest data published by the National Institute of Statistics of Romania, the manufacturing industry is the main engine of economic development in certain segments of activity. Thus, the manufacturing industry as a whole, during 1.01-31.08. 2018 compared to the same period in 2017, recorded an adjusted series increase of 7.9%. We also want to highlight which are the main downstream processing industries that contribute to placing this industry at the forefront of the national economy. JEL: L60, E20.
RABONTU, Cecilia Irina, POPESCU, Luminița Georgeta. Industria prelucrătoare şi rolul său în dezvoltarea economică a României. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole selective: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept. 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 2, pp. 38-46. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-933-5.