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Corporațiile multinaționale - promotoarele globalizării

Show simple item record Pisaniuc, Maia Palii, Natalia 2024-04-04T08:48:27Z 2024-04-04T08:48:27Z 2004
dc.identifier.issn 1582-6260
dc.description PISANIUC, Maia, PALII, Natalia. Corporațiile multinaționale - promotoarele globalizării. In: Revista economică. 2004, nr. 3(16), pp. 26-34. ISSN 1582-6260. en_US
dc.description.abstract The glohalization phenomenon is lately oue of the most debated. Besides of the fact that not cili people see it as having the same essence. most of the dehates are upon its economic, politica! and cultural consequences. From this point ofview. those who engage themselves in the study of this phenomenon can be divided into two large groups pro and against. taking into account their attitudes toward this process. We can say that the appearance, the de- velopment and intensified activity of the Transnațional corporations have led to the internationalization of economies. have caused changes in the economies as well as in the govemments ’behaviors of the recipient countries. Though their activity is economically focused on the developed countries. one can 1 disregard the impact that they have on the developing countries. It is commonly accepted that humanity lives in an era when the Transnațional corporations took control over a large share of the world economy. Their place is difficult to establish because of a continuous movement and their role and effects on the world economy overcome their numericul significance. Direct and indirect implications in the powerfid economies farm ohstacles for the growth of the developing economies since they break the implementa- tion of specific macroeconomic policies required hy their specific needs. The difficulty to grow for the developing economies lies in their lack of developing structures. To create an infrastructure requires time and constant improve- ment, but hefore that - the education of the population. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.subject corporații multinaționale en_US
dc.subject globalizare en_US
dc.subject globalization en_US
dc.subject transnațional corporations en_US
dc.title Corporațiile multinaționale - promotoarele globalizării en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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