Show simple item record Naguevschi, Ana-Maria 2023-03-06T08:12:54Z 2023-03-06T08:12:54Z 2022-04
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-3590-2-3 (PDF).
dc.description NAGUEVSCHI, Ana-Maria. Conformity analysis of fermented cream = Analiza conformității smântânii fermentate. Coord. șt.: FEDORCIUCOVA, Svetlana. In: Simpozion Ştiinţific al Tinerilor Cercetători, (8-9 aprilie 2022) [online]: Culegere de lucrări ştiinţifice. Ediţia a 20-a. Chişinău: ASEM, 2022, vol. 1, pp. 143-147. ISBN 978-9975-3590-2-3 (PDF). en_US
dc.description.abstract Dairy products are of particular importance for human nutrition. They provide about 100 nutrients (26 fatty acids, 45 minerals and 25 vitamins). Especially, fermented cream is among the most important dairy product that has a major demand on the consumer market, being purchased daily by consumers. Cream is high in fat. Cream fats are easily assimilated by the human body. The purpose of this paper is to determine the conformity of fermented cream and the study of standardized indices. The following research methods were included: method of analysis, methods of scientific knowledge and expertise. The paper contains the results of organoleptic, physico-chemical and sensory research on the quality of local and imported cream products. The results of the research show that no product fully met the prescribed requirements. We also studied consumer preferences by sensory analysis of fermented cream (20 points). The highest score was 18.4 points, accumulated by the "President" cream. In addition, we checked the correctness of the mandatory information on the product labels. In this sense, out of all the 6 products analyzed, only one product meets the requirements of Law 279 on consumer information on food. The other products are missing one or two pieces of information related to the batch number, product safety information and the label with the translation into the state language. CZU: 637.148:366.48(478); JEL: L66; DOI: en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher ASEM en_US
dc.subject fermented cream en_US
dc.subject quality en_US
dc.subject sensory analysis en_US
dc.subject information on the label en_US
dc.title Conformity analysis of fermented cream en_US
dc.title.alternative Analiza conformității smântânii fermentate en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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