2.Articole: Recent submissions

  • Bîrcă, Alic; Ciobanu, Diana (2014)
    At present, communication is the core component of every learning domain. Communication represents the process of transmission of data and ideas from one person or group to another, it is a common attribute of human beings. ...
  • Bîrcă, Alic (Academide de Studii Economice a Moldovei, 2014)
    In this article we have proposed to target the enhancement of human resource management in organizations. In this regard, we attempted to determine the purpose, place and content of human resource management in the managerial ...
  • Borcoman, Raisa (Academide de Studii Economice a Moldovei, 2014)
    La communication de crise est un élément de crise organisationnelle qu'il soit économique ouculturel, ou l'image. Ou, communication de crise ne peut pas être sous-estimée. Étant directement liée au type de crise ...
  • Șendrea, Mariana; Buciușcan, Silvia (Academide de Studii Economice a Moldovei, 2014)
    Delegation is the process of assigning tasks or projects to subordinates and clearly dictating expected outcomes and the timeframe for completion. It must be accompanied by the commitment of subordinates to complete the ...
  • Mariţ, Alexandru; Gumaniuc, Ilie (Academide de Studii Economice a Moldovei, 2014)
    Being objective reality existing criminal subculture (prison) occupies its place in the system of social values determined. Studying criminal subculture (prison) helps us to understand the internal regularities, then ...
  • Condrea, Elena (Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei, 2014)
    The market is the totality of the social and economic relations in the sphere of exchange through which the sale of goods is ensured. The market is a mechanism that makes buyers and sellers of goods and services meet. The ...
  • Balan, Aliona (Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei, 2014)
    The present article analyzes trends in small business development in Moldova. Main problems this sector of the economy faces are discussed and recommendations with for the development of small business in Moldova are proposed.
  • Sorocean, Olga; Coşeleva, Natalia; Filip, Nelly (Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei, 2014)
    Transformational processes in the post-Soviet space occurring over the last two decades, have affected the social structure of the transitive societies. The social structure in conditions of systemic transformations has ...
  • Abramihin, Cezara; Boguș, Angela (Academide de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2014)
    The issue of ergonomics is determined by scientific and technical progress and outcomes related to the cardinal change of character work, to remove the insufficient effectiveness of technical systems, staff turnover and ...
  • Abramihin, Cezara; Băieșu, Marina (Academide de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2014)
    Working conditions determine human behavior, both in the production and level of work satisfaction, efficiency and other economic performance and living standards and multilateral development of man. In the age of technological ...
  • Tomşa, Aurelia; Midari, Veronica (2013)
    The problem of current vocational education system is related to the non compliance of work force formed in secondary professional and post-secondary professional system to the labour market demand, both from quantity and ...
  • Tomşa, Aurelia; Bucos, Tatiana (Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova, 2013)
    In the era of knowledge education is the primary factor of social and economic development of countries of the world, thanks to the effects it has on the productivity of factors of production and transaction costs. Transaction ...
  • Ştefîrţă, Natalia (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Criza financiară și economică globală nea forțat să continuăm cu actualizarea politicii economice și a reglementării financiare. Criza a relevat că inflația vizată și sistemul bancar microprudenţial nu pot fi suficient de ...
  • Grinciuc, Liliana (ASEM, 2019-06)
    În prezent, calitatea mediului înconjurătorconstituie una dintre cele mai stringenteprobleme globale ale omenirii, deoarece nu seraportează numai la conservarea cadrului natural,ci și la supraviețuirea speciei umane. ...
  • Călugăreanu, Irina (ASEM, 2019-06)
    Prezenta lucrare propune spre analizăcerințele, componentele și caracteristicile studieriiinfrastructurii regionale, precum și influențaacesteia asupra sistemului relațiilor social-economice,ținând cont că succesul ...

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