Given the insufficiency of public resources to meet all social needs in certain areas, it is necessary for public administrations to interact with the private sector and aims to solve significant problems from a socio-economic point of view. As the socio-economic relations are complicated, the public administration as a manager of social, legal, economic and other relations, more and more frequently, encounters problems, the solution of which requires attracting tools, techniques in the field of quality management and anti-crisis. This article examines the introduction of quality management at the municipal level in support of reform needs at all levels of government. It also provides a clear formulation of the main directions, mechanisms and methods for implementing effective measures and procedures, by using the tools of quality management and anti-crisis to improve the processes of the local economy and municipal entities.. JEL: O1, M1, M2.
ARAMA, Alexandru. Managementul calităţii în administrarea municipală a sistemelor socio-economice = Quality management in the municipal administration of social economic system. In: Sustenabilitatea: îmbunătățirea produselor destinate consumatorilor și planetei [online]: simp. șt.-practic dedicat Zilei mondiale a calităţii, ed. a 7-a, 11 noiembrie 2021. Chişinău: ASEM, 2021, pp. 168-173. e-ISBN 978-9975-155-58-8.