The purpose of this article is to estimate the quality and competitiveness of porcelain household items sold on the market of Chisinau. For this purpose we used the organoleptic and physicochemical methods to assess the quality indices, and to assess the competitiveness we used the Fishbein-Rosenberg method. Based on the analyzes performed, it was found that the porcelain household items produced in Romania have a higher quality and are more competitive. JEL: L 150, L670.
CERNAVCA, Mihail. Estimarea calităţii și competitivității articolelor de menaj din porţelan, realizate pe piaţa mun.Chişinău = Estimation of the quality and competitiveness of porcelain household items sold on the market of Chisinau. In: Sustenabilitatea: îmbunătățirea produselor destinate consumatorilor și planetei [online]: simp. șt.-practic dedicat Zilei mondiale a calităţii, ed. a 7-a, 11 noiembrie 2021. Chişinău: ASEM, 2021, pp. 44-49. e-ISBN 978-9975-155-58-8.