Facultatea Economie Generală şi Drept: Recent submissions

  • Mammadzada, Laman; Abuzarli, Umid; Karimov, Tural (ASEM, 2017-09)
    The forest area is a public good that is part of the state and is managed by an entity, in Romania’s case Romsilva, company that is situated as responsibility under the central administration and has as main purpose managing ...
  • Barbăneagră, Oxana (ASEM, 2017-09)
    Under the pressure of imbalances induced in the natural and social environment, the economic system, centered on economic performance, undergoes a phase of global structural changes to connect with the values of the ...
  • Bucos, Tatiana (ASEM, 2017-09)
    The economic growth and well-being of a country are influenced by various factors, including access to resources and human factor quality, access to technology and innovation capacity, etc. The increasing of the SME rate ...
  • Mitriţă, Marcela; Curea, Cristina Stefania; Georgescu, Raluca (ASEM, 2017-09)
    Globalization is a word that is synonym with commerce growth worldwide, which is in favor of increasing scaled production, consumption of goods and services in unseen quantities, beating all standards of the last century. ...
  • Vaculovschi, Elena (ASEM, 2017-09)
    The investments in transport sector ensure the increasing of the invested capital compared to that realized in other fields of activity. To ensure a sustainable economic development for the Republic of Moldova in the future, ...
  • Scerbacov, Elena (ASEM, 2017-09)
    It is said that there is economic efficiency and social effectiveness when, on their account, the increase of welfare in society is obtained. The price regulates all the attitudes of participants in market processes by ...
  • Ioviţu, Mariana; Păcurar, Gheorghe; Crauş, Daniel (ASEM, 2017-09)
    Investments are represented by the total amount of expenditure made for buying capital titles and have as final purpose increasing profit. The investment decision is a rational decision made by each economic agent and ...
  • Balan, Aliona (ASEM, 2017-09)
    In any state tax policy plays one of the main roles of macro-stabilization economic. It has become a tool of the functioning of the market economy, the objective of which is to ensure the economic growth dynamic, ...
  • Abuzarli, Umid; Mammadzada, Laman; Karimov, Tural (ASEM, 2017-09)
    The antropic pressure was introduced in science and technics to measure the quantity of energy that could help together with negentropy to increase the power of a public authority. This paper underlines the need to research ...
  • Burbulea, Rodica; Moroi, Elena; Șargu, Lilia (ASEM, 2020-03)
    Activitatea investițională în Republica Moldova este cel mai important factor ce determină dezvoltarea social-economică a ţării. Atragerea investiţiilor străine directe rămâne a fi o sarcină actuală, de a cărei soluţionare ...
  • Balan, Aliona (ASEM, 2020-03)
    Politica bugetar-fiscală este o formă de intervenție indirectă a statului în eco-nomie, aplicabilă pe piața bunurilor și ser-viciilor, intervenind cu precădere la ajusta-rea dezechilibrelor macroeconomice interne. Este ...
  • Profiroiu, Marius; Rădulescu, Carmen Valentina (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Spaţiul rural se află într-un proces inevitabil de declin, întrucât societatea umană se transformă dintr-o economie agrară într-una urban-industrială şi, mai departe, în economia cunoaşterii. Printr-o revizuire extinsă a ...
  • Balan, Aliona; Coban, Marina (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Globalization and liberalization have led to the transformation of foreign trade into a powerful driver of economic growth and into an important mechanism for the integration of countries into the global economy. The balance ...
  • Platagea Gomboş, Svetlana; Angheluţă, Sorin Petrică; Dumitrache, Victor; Diaconu, Silviu (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The key component of people's quality of life is given by the environment in which they live. A sustainable economy is based on maintaining clean air and water and protecting natural habitats. Within the article, an analysis ...
  • Manap, Özgür; Gül, Hasan (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Banks forming the heart of the financial system ful fill an important ask in the in this processone of the important thing is carefully determine credibility of the credit user swith a flexibility. So, to meet in optimal ...
  • Bran, Florina; Sarbu, Roxana; Lazăr, Valentin; Nicolae, Elena Ecaterina (ASEM, 2019-09)
    Mediul înconjurător reprezintă mediul natural care a fost transformat de-a lungul timpului de către oameni. Acesta este format din relief, apă, aer, vegetaţie şi sol ce reprezintă elementele mediului natural în care şi-a ...
  • Artiomov, Laurenţia (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The purpose of this paper was the bibliographic study of the impact of some polyphenols on food microorganisms. In order to realize this bibliographic research work, a systematic search was carried out on this subject in ...
  • Bran, Florina; Negescu-Oancea, Mihaela Diana; Georgescu, Raluca Iuliana; Mitriţă, Marcela Antoneta (ASEM, 2019-09)
    This paper presents the development strategy of sustainability and its healthy influence on natural capital. These ideas are filtered through the economic process that helps create durability and sustainability and offers ...
  • Vaculovschi, Elena; Solomatin, Ala (2019-09)
    At present, increasing the economic efficiency of the services is the main objective for both service companies and those from other sectors of activity. The main criteria for evaluating the efficiency in the services ...
  • Guţu, Corneliu; Buzoianu, Ovidiu Andrei Cristian; Platagea Gombos, Svetlana; Dima, Cristina (2019-09)
    Mankind is heading vertiginously for an imminent water crisis, a crisis that can trigger a food crisis, rampant homicides, exacerbation of existing conflicts and the emergence of new ones. Under these conditions, a brief ...

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