Facultatea Economie Generală şi Drept: Recent submissions

  • Țvigun, Ionela (ASEM, 2022-04)
    In today’s globalized world, labour migration is an increasingly important policy issue. Economic hardship and geopolitical crises leading to the lack of decent work are resulting in growing and diverse migratory movements. ...
  • Sajin, Andreea (ASEM, 2022-04)
    The COVID–19 pandemic remarkable affect the educational system, due to this crisis situation we had to adapt urgently. As a consequence, ASEM as many other universities has moved to online education. The survey was developed ...
  • Strătilă, Marina (ASEM, 2022-04)
    L'un des piliers du développement économique et social d'un Etat est le capital humain qui reflète l'ensemble des qualités, savoirs, capacités professionnelles. La population jeune avec de nouvelles techniques et idées de ...
  • Savca, Ana-Maria (ASEM, 2022-04)
    Inflation is one of the most complicated economic problems around the world. The existence of inflation brings a lot of negative consequences. In general, inflation constrain the economic, social and political rise of a ...
  • Borodin, Jaclin (ASEM, 2022-04)
    The banking system is the set of institutions, financial-banking relations, norms, infrastructures, techniques that interact in a complex way, in order to mobilize in the form of deposits and to distribute, in the form of ...
  • Croitoru, Alexandra (ASEM, 2022-04)
    The upward trend of migration among young people and the deficient situation regarding the labor force in the Republic of Moldova, orient us towards the idea of some discrepancies between what the young specialists are ...
  • Beleniuc, Nicoleta (ASEM, 2022-04)
    Market failure expresses situations in which the market alone cannot allocate resources efficiently. This phenomenon is extremely important for contemporary economies, as it demonstrates that markets cannot operate efficiently ...
  • Racu, Cătălina (ASEM, 2022-04)
    In this paper I will address the issue of stress at work, especially the sources, causes and negative and positive effects on the human body. Stress at work has always been an issue between employer and employee, so this ...
  • Racu, Cătălina (ASEM, 2022-04)
    This work presents the strengths and weaknesses of the continuity of intellectual and emotional activities of older people, but also their methods of social involvement in the daily life of society, which will allow debates ...
  • Goncear, Elena (ASEM, 2022-04)
    Economists and specialists have had and still have many confrontations on the subject of externalities. Because they are associated as an essential tool for sustainability, in this article we look for and consider that we ...
  • Grecu, Luminița (ASEM, 2022-04)
    (PDF). Componenta de resurse umane a oricărei companii este partea de declanșare a succesului care vine ulterior, managementul adecvat al resurselor umane fiind de mare importanță pentru dezvoltarea acestuia. Scopul acestei ...
  • Croitoru, Alexandra (ASEM, 2022-04)
    The increasing imposition of digitalization as a vital element of the life of each individual, determines the indispensability of analyzing the balance between facilities on the one hand and the disadvantages of the media ...
  • Diordiev, Alina (ASEM, 2022-04)
    The importance of the circular economy is felt more and more in the modern organization of life. Circular economy is the concept of turning goods at the end of their service life into resources for other, closing loops in ...
  • Dica, Mădălina (ASEM, 2022-04)
    Calculation of the terms in civil law is a procedure of major importance, due to the fact that term is the condition of existence which determines when the signed legal act, will start to produce legal effects. The choosen ...
  • Buga, Anastasia (ASEM, 2022-04)
    In everyday life we always use elements of time periodization - in years, months, semesters, weeks or hours. From a legal point of view, all these elements can be defined by a single notion - term. The delay may lead to ...
  • Darii, Alexandra; Meleca, Maria (ASEM, 2022-04)
    After the declaration of independence of the Republic of Moldova, in 1991, about 800,000 thousand people, ie a third of the active population of the country, emigrated to get rid of an obscure economic situation. As a ...
  • Doroș, Diana (ASEM, 2022-04)
    Child pornography is a form of sexual exploitation minors, a phenomenon that degrades and exploits children, undermines the family and distorts social relations. This phenomenon has always created addiction and pathology ...
  • Doroș, Diana (ASEM, 2022-04)
    Personal guarantees represent a person (guarantor) assumed in favor of a creditor in order to guarantee the satisfaction of the creditor's claim against a debtor (principal debtor). The surety is the obligation of the ...
  • Țurcanu, Alexandra (ASEM, 2022-04)
    The jurisprudence includes a wide range of elements, among which the most essential are the terms. Referring to the terms we can say that they are the most important means of streamlining social relations, without which ...
  • Boldurescu, Mihaela (ASEM, 2022-04)
    The administrator plays an important role in the process of insolvency. This research is focused on the main responsibilities of the administrator in the process of insolvency, the principles that guide the administrator ...

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