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  • Galanton, Natalia (ASEM, 2024-06)
    De-a lungul secolelor, lanțurile de aprovizionare au suferit schimbări majore, adaptându- se la mediu și provocări precum: globalizarea, războaiele, competiția, pandemia, revoluția digitală etc., toate acestea generând ...
  • Hîrbu, Ana (ASEM, 2020-06)
    Prezenta lucrare are drept scop proiectarea evoluției aptitudinilor și deprinderilor manageriale în lumea contemporană. Managerii reprezintă unii dintre actorii principali pe arena economică, activitățile cărora determină ...
  • Bilaș, Liudmila (ASEM, 2018-09)
    Based on the research of recognized scholars in the field of leadership and team building, the present article discusses the current issues of company’s high performance under the dynamic changes. The article analyzes ...
  • Culipei, Laura-Catalina (ASEM, 2023-03)
    The concept of political management is a newer element to classical management as a sub-branch. Its emergence derived from the consequences of the increasingly insistent administration and management of political processes ...
  • Golburean, Mihaela (ASEM, 2020-06)
    La nécessité et la perspective du leasing en République de Moldova a été évidente dès le début de la transition vers une économie de marché. Les opérations de leasing sont une source importante de financement pour les ...
  • Stoian, Eugeniu; Vornovițchi, Diana (ASEM, 2023-03)
    Free Economic Zones, or we can also find them under the name of Free Enterprise Zones, aim to accelerate the country's economy, being part of its territory. The activity of the free economic zones is regulated by the law ...
  • Codrean, Violeta (ASEM, 2021-04)
    The issue of economic language is actual, due to economic development and the new language that comes with this development; due to new trends in making international the specialized language. Therefore, there are some ...
  • Melnic, Georgeta; Lîsîi, Aliona (ASEM, 2021-03)
    At the beginning of the third millennium, the social, economic and political realities of the 21st century highlighted the need to re-evaluate the knowledge gained about the essence and role of human and social development ...
  • Oprea, Florin; Onofrei, Mihaela; Cojocariu, Lenuța (ASEM, 2023-03)
    Managing efficiently the public affairs within local communities and strengthening their fiscal resilience while supporting a sustainable growth represents by its nature a continuous challenge for the representatives of ...
  • Mishova, Tatiana; Globa, Galina; Postolachi, Boris (Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei, 2014)
    The article presents research on the interrelations of management accounting and business intelligence. This paper brings up some methodological issues within the management accounting role in decision making. Management ...
  • Cuconașu, Viorica (ASEM, 2021-03)
    The study comes to complete some concepts and meanings regarding the professional career, career planning, and development, possibilities for career creation, and accomplishment within the economic agents(firms) in the ...
  • Shmatko, Nataliia; Karminska-Bielobrova, Maryna (ASEM, 2022-06)
    The article deals with the problems of making managerial decisions, which are the result of the creative mental activity of the subject of management, associated with the identification of the problem, analysis and assessment ...
  • Buzoianu, Ovidiu Andrei Cristian; Vasilescu, Raluca-Ana; Dobre, Florin; Gombos, Carol Cristina; Troaca, Victor Adrian (ASEM, 2022)
    This paper examines several aspects of education, school dropout, labor as an effect of investments in education, with the aim of determining the factors that put barriers in increasing the level of education. The aim of ...
  • Jorovlea, Elvira (ASEM, 2022-06)
    The differences are what individualize each employee and make them unique. Being unique and different, at the same time, are qualities that must be maximized by the environment in which employees work. The creative potential ...
  • Călugăreanu, Irina (ASEM, 2022-06)
    The partnership between private com005panies and the state is one of the most important solutions for creating an efficient economic activity, developing the industrial, and social infrastructure, and stimulating the growth ...
  • Cosa, Oana Stefania (ASEM, 2023-03)
    We live in a world that is constantly changing, becoming more unstable every day, where changes are becoming more unpredictable and more dramatic, all happening faster and faster, thus becoming difficult it to anticipate ...
  • Platon, Nicolae; Zaporojan, Felicia; Cabac, Elena (ASEM, 2023-03)
    Tourism is changing rapidly as a result of the fact that nature, cultural and historical heritage, as well as ecologically clean touristic destinations, are becoming more and more important for the development of mass ...
  • Chirtoca, Alexei (ASEM, 2022-06)
    The issues of environmental management have acquired the status of one of the highest priorities and important problems facing humanity. It is quite difficult to simultaneously maintain the pace of economic growth and ...
  • Uțica, Doina (ASEM, 2022-04)
    Managerial activity involves a series of complex activities that are intended to contribute to the efficient conduct of people's efforts in the work process. Carried out by people, leadership ultimately targets man; from ...
  • Arama, Alexandru (ASEM, 2021-11)
    Given the insufficiency of public resources to meet all social needs in certain areas, it is necessary for public administrations to interact with the private sector and aims to solve significant problems from a socio-economic ...

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