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  • Vacarciuc, Ana (Print-Caro, 2023-04)
    Acest articol analizează rolul semnificativ pe care îl joacă comerțul electronic în relațiile comerciale internaționale și potențialul acestuia de a facilita creșterea economică. Odată cu utilizarea tehnologiei moderne ...
  • Chirtoca, Alexei (ASEM, 2021-11)
    Currently, the concept of eco-economy is an important element of the Republic of Moldova state policy within environmental protection. The framework of eco-economy concept assumes harmonious coordination between economic, ...
  • Roșca-Sadurschi, Liudmila; Ceclu, Liliana (ASEM, 2022-06)
    Eco-innovation is any innovation that leads to significant progress towards the goal of sustainable development, by reducing the impact of production ways on the environment, by increasing the resilience of nature to ...
  • Repetuh, Elena (Print-Caro, 2023-04)
    The 20th-21st century has faced a serious problem, namely the rapid pollution of the planet. The world is faced with numerous environmental problems that are increasing daily. Some of these problems include, for example, ...
  • Iurcișin, Ada (Print-Caro, 2023-04)
    In the 21st century, waste has become a problem due to the enormous amount of pollutants emitted by In the 21st century, waste has become a problem due to the enormous amount of pollutants emitted by DOI: ...
  • Bucos, Tatiana (ASEM, 2023-06)
    Platformizarea economiei, termen apărut recent în teoria economică, ca rezultat al tendinței de optimizare a proceselor de business prin dezvoltarea platformelor digitale, a provocat schimbări majore în procesele și sistemele ...
  • Rădulescu, Andrei (ASEM, 2017-09)
    Romanian economy is crossing the best economic times since the incidence of the Great Recession. However, this evolution seems not sustainable, given the divergence between the dynamics of the consumption and investments and ...
  • Platon, Nicolae; Zaporojan, Felicia; Cabac, Elena (ASEM, 2023-09)
    The tourism activity, like any other type of economic activity, is one that consumes human resources, which produces effects with a strong social character. The tourism industry trains a vast human and material potential, ...
  • Anghel, Elena; Motelică, Carolina (Print-Caro, 2023-04)
    This article analyzes the effects of decentralization in organizational management, which involves transferring decision-making power from central to lower levels. By using case studies and theoretical research, the article ...
  • Turcov, Elena; Turcov, Ana (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The majority of governments use tourism as a source of revenue. However, as tourism is still regarded by a good part of public authorities as a non-essential activity, any form of tourism services taxation is progressive, ...
  • Platon, Nicolae; Țurcanu, Igor (ASEM, 2022-09)
    After important steps were taken regarding the development of the market economy of the Republic of Moldova, a continuous policy of modernization of the national tax system followed, which from the point of view of tax ...
  • Bondac, Georgiana – Tatiana; Dragnea, Nicoleta Aura (ASEM, 2023-03)
    The pandemic that broke out in Romania at the beginning of 2020 generated polemics and reconfiguration of the education system, a reality assumed differently by the actors involved: students, parents, teachers. This article ...
  • Șavga, Ghenadie; Serduni, Serghei (ASEM, 2021-03)
    The COVID-19 pandemic crisis has had negative effects on the world, macro- and microeconomic levels. In particular, these effects are becoming disastrous for less developed countries. Restrictive measures imposed by the ...
  • Țurcanu, Gheorghe; Zetia, Vasile (Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei, 2014)
    The decisional subsystem and decision-making effectiveness of the certification bodies are the main pillars of its viability. As an element of management processes, organizational decision subsystems are characterized by ...
  • Petcu, Adriana (Editura ASEM, 2014)
    Acest articol abordează anumite aspecte ale procesului de implementare a setului de reguli şi necesităţi vitale dictate de bunele practici europene cu referire directă la principiile gestionării în scopul eficientizării ...
  • Tabunșcic, Olga (ASEM, 2021-11)
    In this article, the research is focused on the components of food quality, such as nutritional quality, sensory quality, hygienic quality, and aesthetic quality. In terms of nutrition, the quality of food is essential and ...
  • Țîmbaliuc, Natalia (ASEM, 2022)
    Emotional intelligence is a vast and relatively new concept for the Management field of study. However, more and more studies aim to prove the applicability of emotional intelligence in the workplace, especially for people ...
  • Robu, Mariana (ASEM, 2023-03)
    Unpaid work is recognized as a critical barrier to gender equality and women’s economic and social empowerment. Formally categorized as non-market work, unpaid work is not included in gross domestic product (GDP) calculations ...
  • Platon, Nicolae; Vieru, Tatiana (ASEM, 2023-03)
    The unprecedented challenges caused by the increasing dependence on energy imports and the reduced amount of energy resources, as well as climate changes have greatly affected the economies of European states and their ...
  • Todos, Irina (ASEM, 2023-03)
    Locally as well as internationally, supply chains are subject to security risks and incidents, which can have negative influences on both trade and the economy as a whole. It is also attested that the industrial revolution ...

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