Browsing Facultatea Contabilitate by Title

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  • Cechina, Ecaterina; Cușmăunsă, Rodica (Editura ASEM, 2016-03)
    In this article are considered the theoretical aspects related to the notion of export, the notion of export of goods on commission, the issues according to which accounting methodology, related to the export trade on ...
  • Ciorap, Daniela (ASEM, 2024-03)
    The study examines current trends and future prospects of merchandise exports from the Republic of Moldova, emphasizing their economic significance. Despite challenges such as limited market diversification and infrastructural ...
  • Negrea, Mihai (ASEM, 2024-03)
    In the digital age where technology is rapidly evolving, it is crucial to explore how innovations such as blockchain can revolutionize the way we manage and record financial information. This paper explores how the use of ...
  • Harea, Ruslan (ASEM, 2015-04)
    This article aims to analyze the practical use of the new provisions of the tax laws of the appointment percentage of the income of employees in the amount of 2% for the funding of NGOs. It examines the practicality and ...
  • Harea, Ruslan (ASEM, 2024-04)
    The funds created by the non-commercial organizations represent the part of the capital of the non-commercial entity formed from the capitalized resources of the pre-destined means received in the form of special purpose ...
  • Gudima, Galina; Ursachi, Victoria (ASEM, 2017-03-17)
    According to the definition, library is a public or self-owned organized collection of publications, or it is and informing, cultural and educational institution that buys, preserves and organizes this type of collections ...
  • Harea, Ruslan; Graur, Anatol (ASEM, 2023-04)
    This paper contains the description of the principle of fund accounting as an alternative to the principle of accrual accounting in the accounting records of the activities of non-commercial organizations. Concomitantly, ...
  • Cuşmăunsă, Rodica; Zlatina, Natalia; Caraman, Stela; Andreev, Liliana (ASEM, 2014-02-27)
    This paper presents the result of a survey on the required knowledge, skills, and pedagogy for accounting education as perceived by accounting practitioners, teachers, and students. In the midst of numerous accounting ...
  • Mihăescu, Ionela Mihaela (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Investments have the role of generating element in any economic activity, which makes a company to be born, to carry out its activity or to modernize and develop the production capacity. Investments are the main factor in ...
  • Lungu, Rita; Lazari, Liliana (Cahul: US "B. P. Haşdeu", 2009)
    Lucrarea dată este elaborată în conformitate cu programa cursului „Contabilitatea în asigurări” şi îşi propune să contribuie la completarea cunoştinţelor studenţilor şi la formarea deprinderilor de soluţionare a aspectelor ...
  • Grîu, Maia (ASEM, 2017-09)
    In the use of complex data we can’t speak about an increase of informational quality for accounting (if the basic principles are respected, the valence of information remain the same), but it’s a better utilization in the ...
  • Bajan, Maia; Lazari, Liliana (ASEM, 2019-09)
    This research aims to provide an overview of the evolution of accounting over time, starting from its empirical forms and later focusing our attention on digitizing accounting. In its evolution, the accounting has adapted ...
  • Grigoriev, Anastasia (ASEM, 2024-03)
    In the digital era, accounting processes are undergoing significant transformations with the integration of technology. This article explores the vital role of automating primary document processing in accounting, focusing ...
  • Gherman Bursuc, Maria; Melega, Anatol; Grosu, Veronica (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Activitatea de afaceri implică, prin natura sa, producerea, colectarea și comunicarea diferitelor tipuri de date și informații. Acestea sunt prezentate în diferite documente, care sunt generate în mare parte de departamentul ...
  • Grigoroi, Lilia; Lazari, Liliana; Balteş, Nicolae; Graur, Anatol; Bîrcă, Aliona; Bădicu, Galina; Mihailă, Svetlana; Bajan, Maia; Erhan, Lica; Cuşmăunsă, Rodica; Caraman, Stela; Ţurcanu, Liliana (Editura Cartier, 2021)
    Manualul „Contabilitatea întreprinderii” este elaborat în conformitate cu curriculumul (programa analitică) disciplinei „Contabilitatea întreprinderii”. Totodată, manualul acoperă curriculumul disciplinelor „Contabilitate ...
  • Caraman, Stela (ASEM, 2019-09)
    This article examines the essence and content of managerial accounting at the current stage of development. Also, the basic technologies that are used in the modern management accounting are analyzed: Strategie Cost Analysis ...
  • Caraman, Stela; Guglea, Daniel (ASEM, 2018-03-15)
    Environmental accouting can help improve the environment by pointig out how to use the natural resources in a sustainable way. These will usuallzy allow the company to use the resources more rationally and to reduce the ...
  • Hreceniuc, Briana (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Le but de l'élaboration de ce travail est centré sur l'analyse de la manière d'organisation de la comptabilité des immobilisations corporelles qui présente une ample sphère d'applicabilité. Afin d'atteindre le but proposé ...
  • Repede, Doina (ASEM, 2021-03)
    Public catering represents the production and marketing of its own products, as well as purchased for resale through its own sales network. Purpose and objectives of the research lies in examining the main accounting ...
  • Turețchi, Dana; Caraman, Stela (ASEM, 2020-03)
    A project can always be concluded when the goal is to coordinate an ensemble of activities of a different nature, whose achievement aims to successfully carry out a complex and specific mission. The management on the basis ...

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