Browsing Facultatea Contabilitate by Title

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  • Bajan, Maia; Țurcanu, Eugenia; Gobjilă, Virginia (ASEM, 2018-03-15)
    The study presents in parallel the specificities of accounting and fiscality, as well as the interferences between these two areas. By content and manners of approaching concepts specific to the theme, by the value of the ...
  • Bajerean, Eudochia (ASEM, 2015-04)
    Le système d'information comptable et financière est un instrument de mesure permettant de suivre les objectifs que se sont fixés les responsables à tous les niveaux de la firme. L’information est au coeur du système de ...
  • Rotaru, Daniela (ASEM, 2020-03)
    Expenses are an accounting element directly related to determining the net profit / loss of an entity. This research focuses on studying the national regulatory framework valid from January 1, 2020 for expenditure accounting, ...
  • Harea, Virginia; Leahu, Evelina (ASEM, 2020-06)
    Expenditure accounting according to the methodology and mechanism of implementation, is one of the most important and difficult sectors of record of any enterprise. In close connection with the accounting of expenses is ...
  • Caraman, Stela (ASEM, 2014-04)
    This article examines the possibility of organizing production cost accounting on responsibility centers at cargo transport enterprises. At present there is not a single opinion on the organization of cost accounting on ...
  • Tataru, Vlada (ASEM, 2023-03)
    Creative accounting is a term used to describe the use of accounting practices that are technically legal, but that may be considered unethical or even fraudulent. It is also known as aggressive accounting, as it doesn’t ...
  • Bădicu, Galina; Mihaila, Svetlana (2020)
    Conceperea cursului s-a făcut pornind de la obiectivele generale ale obiectului de studiu ,,Contabilitate de gestiune avansată”, în contextul dezvoltării competențelor de cunoaștere, funcțional adiționale și de specialitate, ...
  • Nani, Mihail (Tipografia "CRIO", 2013-04-05)
    L’ajustement de la comptabilité des décomptes avec Standards Internationaux de Comptabilité pour le Secteur Public répresente un facteur importent d assurence dans l’integration europeénne de la République de Moldovadansle ...
  • Nani, Mihail (Editura ASEM, 2015)
    În prezentul articol, sunt examinate aspectele teoretice aferente avansurilor, acordate titularilor de avans pentru detașare, în interes de serviciu, conform actelor normative în vigoare; precum și aspectele practice privind ...
  • Caraman, Stela; Malinin, Tatiana (ASEM, 2019-03)
    This article is a beginning of research, which is performed on the basis of interviews with zoo bookkeepers and analysis of accounting regulatory in force, such as: “The Accounting Plan in the Budget System and the ...
  • Cechina, Ecaterina; Cușmăunsă, Rodica (Editura ASEM, 2016-03)
    In this article are considered the theoretical aspects related to the notion of export, the notion of export of goods on commission, the issues according to which accounting methodology, related to the export trade on ...
  • Harea, Ruslan (ASEM, 2015-04)
    This article aims to analyze the practical use of the new provisions of the tax laws of the appointment percentage of the income of employees in the amount of 2% for the funding of NGOs. It examines the practicality and ...
  • Gudima, Galina; Ursachi, Victoria (ASEM, 2017-03-17)
    According to the definition, library is a public or self-owned organized collection of publications, or it is and informing, cultural and educational institution that buys, preserves and organizes this type of collections ...
  • Harea, Ruslan; Graur, Anatol (ASEM, 2023-04)
    This paper contains the description of the principle of fund accounting as an alternative to the principle of accrual accounting in the accounting records of the activities of non-commercial organizations. Concomitantly, ...
  • Cuşmăunsă, Rodica; Zlatina, Natalia; Caraman, Stela; Andreev, Liliana (ASEM, 2014-02-27)
    This paper presents the result of a survey on the required knowledge, skills, and pedagogy for accounting education as perceived by accounting practitioners, teachers, and students. In the midst of numerous accounting ...
  • Mihăescu, Ionela Mihaela (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Investments have the role of generating element in any economic activity, which makes a company to be born, to carry out its activity or to modernize and develop the production capacity. Investments are the main factor in ...
  • Lungu, Rita; Lazari, Liliana (Cahul: US "B. P. Haşdeu", 2009)
    Lucrarea dată este elaborată în conformitate cu programa cursului „Contabilitatea în asigurări” şi îşi propune să contribuie la completarea cunoştinţelor studenţilor şi la formarea deprinderilor de soluţionare a aspectelor ...
  • Grîu, Maia (ASEM, 2017-09)
    In the use of complex data we can’t speak about an increase of informational quality for accounting (if the basic principles are respected, the valence of information remain the same), but it’s a better utilization in the ...
  • Bajan, Maia; Lazari, Liliana (ASEM, 2019-09)
    This research aims to provide an overview of the evolution of accounting over time, starting from its empirical forms and later focusing our attention on digitizing accounting. In its evolution, the accounting has adapted ...
  • Gherman Bursuc, Maria; Melega, Anatol; Grosu, Veronica (ASEM, 2021-04)
    Activitatea de afaceri implică, prin natura sa, producerea, colectarea și comunicarea diferitelor tipuri de date și informații. Acestea sunt prezentate în diferite documente, care sunt generate în mare parte de departamentul ...

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