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Особенности бухгалтерского учета небанковских кредитных организаций

Show simple item record Лапицкая, Людмила 2022-09-28T06:47:54Z 2022-09-28T06:47:54Z 2022-04
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-155-92-2 (PDF)
dc.description ЛАПИЦКАЯ, Людмила. Особенности бухгалтерского учета небанковских кредитных организаций = Features of accounting of non-bank credit organizations. In: International scientific conference on accounting, ISCA 2022 [online]: Collection of scientific articles = Culegere de articole științifice, 11 Edition, April 1-2, 2022. Chişinău: ASEM, 2022, pp. 120-126. ISBN 978-9975-155-92-2 (PDF). en_US
dc.description.abstract Non-bank credit organizations occupy a significant place in the financial market of Moldova. According to the National Commission on the Financial Market of the Republic of Moldova [1], as of October 1, 2021, non-bank credit organizations provided loans in the amount of 9.4 billion lei to the about 500,000 customers. The correct accounting of income and accounts receivable are key issues in the organization of accounting for non-bank credit organizations. In this article, the author analyzes the regulatory framework in the field of accounting for income and receivables. Compares several possible variants of the procedure for recording the income of non-bank credit organizations and makes suggestions for improving the organization of accounting and disclosure of information in the financial statements of non-bank credit organizations. CZU:657.4:336.73(478); JEL: M40, M41; DOI: 10.5281/zenodo.7060105 en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher ASEM en_US
dc.subject небанковские кредитные организации en_US
dc.subject доходы будущих периодов en_US
dc.title Особенности бухгалтерского учета небанковских кредитных организаций en_US
dc.title.alternative Features of accounting of non-bank credit organizations en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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