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Проблемы формирования отчетности по сегментам в организациях сезонных отраслей и видов экономической деятельности

Show simple item record Федорова, Инна Юрьевна Шилова, Любовь Федоровна 2021-12-20T11:17:37Z 2021-12-20T11:17:37Z 2021-04
dc.identifier.isbn 978-9975-155-25-0
dc.description ФЕДОРОВА, Инна Юрьевна, ШИЛОВА, Любовь Федоровна. Проблемы формирования отчетности по сегментам в организациях сезонных отраслей и видов экономической деятельности = Problems of Reporting by Segments in Seasonal Industries and Economic Activities. In: International scientific conference on accounting, ISCA 2021 [online]: Culegere de articole științifice, 10 Edition, April 1-2, 2021. Chişinău: ASEM, 2021, pp. 184-190. ISBN 978-9975-155-25-0. en_US
dc.description.abstract The article explores approaches to increasing the informativeness of reporting, reflecting the performance of segments of economic subjects of seasonal industries. Existing approaches to seasonal segmentation have been explored. Factors that influence segment performance have been identified and analyzed, as well as an assessment of the ability to manage the influence of each of the factors considered. There are reasons why accounting (financial) reporting data do not allow to fully assess the industry specifics of seasonal activity. An approach has been formed to disclose segments in seasonal industry organizations, taking into account the period of operation. JEL: М49. en_US
dc.language.iso other en_US
dc.publisher ASEM en_US
dc.subject segment en_US
dc.subject reporting en_US
dc.subject seasonal activity en_US
dc.subject seasonal period en_US
dc.title Проблемы формирования отчетности по сегментам в организациях сезонных отраслей и видов экономической деятельности en_US
dc.title.alternative Problems of Reporting by Segments in Seasonal Industries and Economic Activities en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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