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  • Frecăuțeanu, Alexandru; Țapu, Tatiana; Chișlaru, Angela (ASEM, 2019-04)
    In order to facilitate the elaboration and implementation of accounting policies in accordance with the current NAS and other national accounting regulations, two additional normative acts were approved by the Minister of ...
  • Țugulschi, Iuliana (ASEM, 2014-04)
    In this article are examined the main provisions of the new accounting regulations in the accounting costs and calculating the cost of products, services. Also are described the main aspects of the managerial accounting ...
  • Ciobanu, Iacob; Zgureanu, Aureliu (2012)
    In indrumar sunt descrise scopul, obiectivele, cerinţele conţinutului proiectului de licenţă, precum şi etapele de elaborare şi susţinere a proiectului. Fiecare student trebuie să facă cunoştinţă cu cerinţele indicate in ...
  • Ciobanu, Iacob; Zgureanu, Aureliu (2012)
    Îndrumar metodic privind elaborarea, susţinerea proiectului de specialitate pentru studenţii specialităţii „Tehnologii Informaţionale” secţia zi şi cu frecvenţă redusă.
  • Prohnițchi, Valeriu (ASEM, 2021-12)
    În Republica Moldova, lipsește un Tabel Resurse-Utilizări (TRU) actualizat, acesta fiind necesar pentru compilarea unei Matrice de Contabilitate Socială și calibrarea unui Model de Echilibru General Aplicat. Scopul autorului ...
  • Vataman, Maria (ASEM, 2021-04)
    The funding regulations contained in the electoral legislation and the law on political parties either do not cover all areas associated with funding, or are sufficiently permissive and ambiguous, giving political parties ...
  • Pavlotska, Kateryna (ASEM, 2023-03)
    The introduction of the electronic register of tax invoices and the electronic VAT administration system necessitated changes in accounting procedures, tax accrual and payment, preparation and registration of tax invoices, ...
  • Andronatiev, Victor; Ceban, Svetlana (ASEM, 2023-09)
    In the modern society, electronic commerce (e-commerce) has become a primary factor of the global economy, opening up new possibilities for businesses, consumers and society. This is due to the widespread use of computing, ...
  • Solomon, Alina-Georgiana; Ene, Corina; Bălan, Gheorghe-Stelian (ASEM, 2012-04)
    Risk is seen as an uncertainty of achievements, or, in other words, any event, action, situation or behaviour with negative impact on the economic entity's ability to achieve its goals. Identification and risk assessment ...
  • Tabunșcic, Olga (ASEM, 2021-11)
    In this article, the research is focused on the components of food quality, such as nutritional quality, sensory quality, hygienic quality, and aesthetic quality. In terms of nutrition, the quality of food is essential and ...
  • Strătilă, Marina (ASEM, 2022-04)
    L'un des piliers du développement économique et social d'un Etat est le capital humain qui reflète l'ensemble des qualités, savoirs, capacités professionnelles. La population jeune avec de nouvelles techniques et idées de ...
  • Radov, Mariana (ASEM, 2022-12)
    The article highlights the importance of business and management consulting field and its current trends, especially in the context of pandemic and worldwide changes. The author highlights the role of consulting in ...
  • Petroia, Andrei (ASEM, 2020)
    Labor migration remains a global phenomenon and more and more countries remain to be affected by this phenomenon. One of the main causes of the intensification of the migration process is globalization. The increase in ...
  • Tomșa, Cristina (ASEM, 2020-06)
    Emigrația reprezintă fenomenul părăsirii țării sau regiunii natale de către un individ sau un grup de indivizi pentru a se stabili în altă regiune. Acetest fenomen este destul de actual și pentru Republica Moldova , ea ...
  • Platagea Gomboş, Svetlana; Angheluţă, Sorin Petrică; Dumitrache, Victor; Diaconu, Silviu (ASEM, 2019-09)
    The key component of people's quality of life is given by the environment in which they live. A sustainable economy is based on maintaining clean air and water and protecting natural habitats. Within the article, an analysis ...
  • Birwatkar, Vaibhav; Bantash, Natalia (Editura ASEM, 2016-12)
    Abstract. Financial leaders today face a major challenge in ensuring the function adapts to the changing needs of the business. With growing stakeholder interest in the broader performance of organizations beyond pure ...
  • Țîmbaliuc, Natalia (ASEM, 2022)
    Emotional intelligence is a vast and relatively new concept for the Management field of study. However, more and more studies aim to prove the applicability of emotional intelligence in the workplace, especially for people ...
  • Birwatkar, Vaibhav P. (ASEM, 2016-12)
    Within a year two populations of Europe – one in the south, the other in the north – have voted against the European Union (EU) and its policy. They did this out of entirely different motives and with different aims. Whereas ...
  • Porumbacean, Teodora-Cezara (ASEM, 2022-03)
    The paper aims to determine factors influencing the disclosure of the Key Audit Matters in the Audit Report at large European companies. The paper proposes an analysis over a period of 4 years from 2017-2020 of 1,681 ...
  • Roller, Ala; Zubic, Aliona (ASEM, 2016-06)
    The main objective of human resource management is to provide abilities and experience in this field, so as to achieve optimum performance and reliable, using the most appropriate methods. Human resource management involves ...

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