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Title: Probleme actuale ale contabilităţii organizaţiilor necomerciale
Authors: Nederiţa, Alexandru
Keywords: organizaţie necomercială
politica de contabilitate
elemente contabile
fapte economice
sistem contabil
plan de conturi
situaţii financiare
Issue Date: 2013
Series/Report no.: Analele ASEM;ediţia a XI-a. Nr.1 / 2013
Abstract: The article emphasizes the following accounting issues on non-commercial organizations: accounting policy formation; the development of the working chart of accounts; the application of the accounting and financial statements presentation system; the selection of the method of recognition and evaluation of the accounting elements; the setting of the format and development of the financial statement. There are also specified the particularities and the directions of improvement of the economic operations accounting of the non-commercial organizations according to the national and international accounting regulations.
Appears in Collections:2.Articole

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