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dc.contributor.authorȘendrea, Mariana
dc.contributor.authorBuciușcan, Silvia
dc.description.abstractDifferent kinds of changes require different strategies and plans to effectively gain employee engagement and acceptance of change. The three types of change that occur most frequently in organizations are developmental, transitional and transformational. Change management theories effectively support how to deal with developmental and transitional change, but are less effective at dealing with successfully implementing transformational change. A critical step in determining which approach to use in overcoming resistance to implementing organization change is to determine which type of change the organization is experiencing.en_US
dc.publisherAcademia de Studii Economice din Moldovaen_US
dc.relation.ispartofseriesAnalele ASEM;ediţia a XI-a. Nr.1 / 2013
dc.subjectschimbare organizaționalăen_US
dc.subjectsubsistem informationalen_US
dc.subjectstructură organizatoricăen_US
dc.subjectsubsistem de personalen_US
dc.subjectsubsistem tehnologicen_US
dc.titleTipologii şi dimensiuni ale schimbărilor organizaţionaleen_US
Appears in Collections:2.Articole

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