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Title: Contribuția activității individuale a studentului în formarea sa profesională
Other Titles: The Contribution of the Student's Individual Activity in his Professional Training
Authors: Lazari, Liliana
Keywords: activitate individuală
formare profesională
Issue Date: Nov-2023
Publisher: ASEM
Abstract: The research presents the importance of the student's individual activity in university professional training. The provided ratio between direct contact and individual study was examined and presented for the training field Accounting, Bachelor's and Master's cycle within the Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova. The following scientific research methods are used in the study: analysis of the legal framework governing the study, synthesis of information, analysis and comparison to identify distinctive features, deduction of challenges related to conducting the individual study. JEL: M40, M41, A22, A23; CZU: 657:378.147.111(478); DOI:
Description: LAZARI, Liliana. Contribuția activității individuale a studentului în formarea sa profesională = The Contribution of the Student's Individual Activity in his Professional Training. In: Învățământul superior contabil: provocări și soluții: Colocviu științific cu participare intern. în memoriam prof. Viorel Ţurcanu, 17 noiem. 2023, ed. a 2: Culegere de teze științifice. Chişinău: SEP ASEM, 2023, pp. 50-52. ISBN 978-9975-167-32-1 (PDF).
ISBN: 978-9975-167-32-1 (PDF)
Appears in Collections:2.Articole

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