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dc.contributor.authorChișleac, Irina-
dc.descriptionCHIȘLEAC, Irina. Implementarea sistemului unitar de salarizare în sectorul bugetar: provocări și efecte = Implementation of the unitary salary system in the budget sector: challenges and effects. In: Provocările contabilităţii în viziunea tinerilor cercetători: Conf. şt. intern. studenţească, ISSC 2021: Culegere de articole ştiinţifice, Ed. a 5-a, 11-12 martie 2021. Chişinău: ASEM, 2021, pp. 21-33. ISBN 978-9975-155-12-0.en_US
dc.description.abstractIn order to reform the salary system in the budget sector, considered fragmented, difficult to manage and unfair, on November 23, 2018 was adopted the Law on the unitary salary system in the budget sector, implemented since December 1, 2018. The research aims to identify the challenges and effects produced by the implementation of the unitary salary system in the budget sector. The importance of the research emerges from the essential role of labor remuneration in society and economy, due to the functions it performs, the level of salaries being always at the center of economists' concerns in order to ensure respect for human rights and quality of life. In the process were used scientific research methods such as: analysis of the legal framework governing the object of the study, synthesis of information, comparison in order to identify the distinctive features, deduction of challenges, as well as the assessment of the impact through the effects produced by the salary reform in the budget sector. The study reveals that the implementation of the unitary salary system in the budget sector has confrunted some challenges: the short term in which the law was publicly consulted before coming into force, the difficulty of accurate estimates of budget expenditures generated by such reform, which led to the need to identify alternative sources of financing unforeseen expenses. In conclusion the author has given an appreciation through the reform’s produced effects and exposed the opinion on certain specific aspects of the salary system in the budget sector. JEL: J38, M41en_US
dc.subjectunitary salary systemen_US
dc.subjectfixed parten_US
dc.subjectvariable parten_US
dc.subjectbasic salaryen_US
dc.subjectsalary stepen_US
dc.subjectsalary classen_US
dc.subjectsalary coefficienten_US
dc.subjectreference valueen_US
dc.subjectperformance increaseen_US
dc.subjectspecific increaseen_US
dc.titleImplementarea sistemului unitar de salarizare în sectorul bugetar: provocări și efecteen_US
dc.title.alternativeImplementation of the unitary salary system in the budget sector: challenges and effectsen_US
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