The aim of this article is to emphasize the role of foreign languages learning in the life of a young specialist in the context of European Integration. The study of foreign languages has become a priority for higher education institutions. Language learning at the university level offers students opportunities in academic education related to professional and personal training and development. It further defines the function of plurilingual and intercultural education in the process of foreign languages teaching. This global language education aims to develop intercultural and multilingual competence. JEL: A 23.
PANAINTE, Lidia. The role of foreign languages in higher education in the context of european integration = Rolul limbilor străine în învățământul superior în conextul integrării europene. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole ştiinţifice: conf. şt. intern., 25-26 sept. 2020. Chişinău: ASEM, 2020, pp. 311-317. e-ISBN 978-9975-75-985-4.