The evolution of society and accounting has also imposed new requirements on university accounting education. Accounting education contributes to community development by offering quality and professional services. To achieve these goals, universities use study programs aligned with international education standards. As a result of the training, students obtain knowledge, skills and competencies in the field of accounting necessary for practical professional activity, required by the business environment, public and private sector. The effective educational process implies the diversification of the educational offer, which contributes to the sustainability of the respective organizations. JEL: M41; CZU: 657.41/.45:378.147(478); DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/isc2024.24
CAUŞ, Lidia. Provocări în procesul de predare a disciplinei ”Contabilitatea financiară aplicată” = Challenges in the Process of Teaching the Discipline "Applied Financial Accounting". In: Învățământul superior contabil: provocări și soluții: Colocviu științific cu participare intern. în memoriam prof. Viorel Ţurcanu, 15 noiem. 2024, ed. a 3: Culegere de teze științifice. Chişinău: SEP ASEM, 2024, pp. 97-100. ISBN 978-9975-167-94-9 (PDF).