Students' individual student work is a central component of the modern educational process, having a significant impact on the development of professional competences and increasing academic performance. This research examines the significance and relevance of individual work in higher education, highlighting the connections between self-study, autonomy and optimization of the educational process. The results emphasize the need for educational strategies tailored to the university environment to support student independence and self-motivation within a well-designed curriculum. The research was based on a review of relevant academic literature using sources indexed in the Web of Science (WOS) and the National Bibliometric Tool (NBI). JEL: A2, I23, M41, M42; CZU: 378.147.111:001.89; DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/isc2024.11
MIHAILA, Svetlana, BĂDICU, Galina. Relevanța lucrului individual în creșterea performanței academice = The Relevance of Individual Work in Increasing Academic Performance. In: Învățământul superior contabil: provocări și soluții: Colocviu științific cu participare intern. în memoriam prof. Viorel Ţurcanu, 15 noiem. 2024, ed. a 3: Culegere de teze științifice. Chişinău: SEP ASEM, 2024, pp. 46-49. ISBN 978-9975-167-94-9 (PDF).