This paper provides a comprehensive analysis of the evolution of the Archiș commune's budget from 2018 to 2024, focusing on essential expenditures in critical areas such as insurance and social assistance, general public services, education, defense and public order, and housing and public development. The study aims to identify resource allocation trends, budget adjustments made over time, and their impact on financial efficiency and community development. The comparative methodology adopted in the analysis highlights budgetary variations in each sector, reflecting changes in local priorities and the administration's responses to changing economic and social conditions. Additionally, the paper relies on the expenditure forecast for 2024, providing an anticipatory perspective on the future evolution of the budget. The detailed evaluation of budget allocations highlights the financial management strategies adopted by the local administration to optimize the use of available resources. The paper also explores how these strategies influence the sustainable development of the community, as well as the continuous improvement of public services and local infrastructure. Through this analysis, the study contributes to an in-depth understanding of local budget management, offering pertinent recommendations for better planning and resource utilization in the future. Furthermore, the comparative analysis of expenditures in each sector reveals changes in priorities and adaptations to variable economic and social conditions, providing an integrated perspective on the impact of these changes on the community. Through a rigorous and detailed approach, the paper significantly contributes to improving budget management processes and promoting effective local development strategies. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/cike2024.02; UDC: [336.22:352.071](498); JEL Classification: H72, H75, R51
GOLOȘIE, Grațian-Daniel, BOGLUȚ, Geanina-Ioana. Evolution and Budgetary Trends in Archiș Commune through Comparative Study of Expenditures in Key Sectors. In: Competitiveness and Innovation in the Knowledge Economy: international scientific conference, 20-21 sept. 2024. Chișinău: ASEM, 2024, vol. 1, pp. 23-32. ISBN 978-9975-167-96-3.