The modern labor market pays employees according to their level of competence in a certain area. A component of this level is knowledge of several languages, moreo-ver, knowledge of not only the main lexical fund (everyday language) but also the terms of a specific science (here the terms of export and import). The author proposes a model for studying the terms of closely related and distantly related languages.
ХИОАРЭ, Наталья. Ценность владения вторым языком на рынке труда = The Value of Second Language Skills on Labour Market. In: Профессиональное лингвообразование: материалы 18-ой международной науч.-практической конф., 18 октября 2024. Нижний Новгород: НИУ РАНХиГС, 2024, cc. 458-465. ISBN 978-5-00036-325-6.