This paper aims to determine what PEST(LE) analysis is and how it influences a company's business environment in the process of promoting products in a foreign market. The internationalisation of a company's business involves a very complex decision-making process. The starting point is the choice of markets that offer opportunities to analyse the external environment. We have used the PEST(LE) method to highlight a number of factors that can influence the promotion of products in a new market, which is very important when a company wants to launch its products in a new market. The objective of the study is to define the purpose and importance of the PEST(LE) method in the context of the internationalization of the company, a process through which the company is to adapt to the global economy. How it will promote its products in foreign markets will determine the future of the company. Businesses need to understand the macro-environment to ensure that their strategy is aligned with the powerful forces of change affecting their business landscape. Thus, I have chosen to analyze Viorica-Cosmetic, the largest cosmetics and perfumery manufacturer in the Republic of Moldova. In order to develop a modern brand, the company is guided by new strategic concepts, taking into account the attraction of international partners and the promotion of products in foreign markets. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/sstc.v3.13; CZU: 339.138:339.5; JEL: F2, F4, M4
NEGOIȚĂ, Olga. Utilizarea metodei PEST(LE) în promovarea produselor pe piețele externe = Using the PEST(LE) Method In Promoting Products on Foreign Markets. Coord. șt.: POPA, Marina. In: Simpozion Ştiinţific al Tinerilor Cercetători, (7-8 aprilie 2023) [online]: Culegere de lucrări ştiinţifice. Ediţia a 21-a. Chişinău: [S. n.], 2023, vol. 3, pp. 66-69. ISBN 978-9975-180-07-8.