To become big, all businesses once started out small. Big businesses and even big government projects depend on small businesses as subcontractors. That’s exactly why we need to spread awareness about the risks and opportunities of small businesses. Small and large companies have different advantages and drawbacks with innovation, but small businesses provide the most conducive environment for entrepreneurship and innovation that are not necessarily sustained by the know-how and resources characteristic of large-scale production, but require commitment and close cooperation between company members. This research highlights the major obstacles that slow down the growth of small businesses and negatively impact their evolution. It also provides viable solutions that will improve the dynamic of small business in Moldova and will contribute to creating a transparent and comfortable economical system adapted to the needs of small companies. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/sstc.v2.54; CZU: 334.012.63/.64; JEL: D20
GÎRBU, Ana-Maria. Small Businesses. Risks and Opportunities = Întreprinderile mici și mijlocii. Oportunități și riscuri. Coord. șt.: BALAN, Aliona. In: Simpozion Ştiinţific al Tinerilor Cercetători, (7-8 aprilie 2023) [online]: Culegere de lucrări ştiinţifice. Ediţia a 21-a. Chişinău: [S. n.], 2023, vol. 2, pp. 232-235. ISBN 978-9975-180-06-1.