The report "The history of software malware development" describes how viruses have evolved and analyses the effectiveness of measures to protect against them. Viruses and other malware are a serious problem in today's IT world and pose a threat to users and companies. The study examined various methods of encrypting data. Security measures and measures to prevent the introduction of malicious code were analyzed. The results of the study showed that viruses are constantly evolving, making them more difficult to combat. The report's conclusions and recommendations focus on the use of a set of protection measures. DOI: https://doi.org/10.53486/sstc.v2.33; CZU: 004.056.57; JEL: O30
NICULIN, Egor. История развития программных злоупотреблений. Coord. șt.:OHRIMENCO, Serghei. In: Simpozion Ştiinţific al Tinerilor Cercetători, (7-8 aprilie 2023) [online]: Culegere de lucrări ştiinţifice. Ediţia a 21-a. Chişinău: [S. n.], 2023, vol. 2, pp. 143-145. ISBN 978-9975-180-06-1.