Tourism represents one of the methods by which the right to rest and leisure can be realised; and thus, it is a pre-requisite for the personal growth of people. In this work, we demonstrate that the Tourism Competitiveness Index has a strong positive influence on the Human Development Index. In what follows, we evaluate the development of tourism in the Republic of Moldova through the lens of the quality of tourism public expenditure management. We perform an analysis of the quality of travel and tourism policies as measured by The Report on the Competitiveness of Tourism and the Position Occupied by the Republic of Moldova and the Close Relationship to the Degree of Socio-Economic Development of the Country. To conclude, we mention the necessity of governmental aid for the tourism sector, especially now-a-days, when the sector is heavily afflicted by the crisis caused by the current pandemic of COVID-19. JEL: E6, L83, Z3, K38
SECRIERU, A., PÂRȚACHI, I. Strengthening the right to rest and leisure in the Republic of Moldova through the efficient management of public expenditure on tourism = Consolidarea dreptului la odihnă și recreere în Republica Moldova prin gestiunea eficientă a cheltuielilor publice aferente turismului. In: Romanian rural tourism in international context: Present and prospects [online]: conf. intern., 30 septembrie 2020, Institutul de Cercetări Economice şi Sociale „Gh. Zane“, Academia Română, Filiala Iaşi. Iași, 2020, pp. 126-136. ISBN: 978-606-685-740-0.