Non-for-profit organizations have an important role in civil society in any country, including the Republic of Moldova. Non-for-profit organizations are juridical persons not having the goal of getting a profit and distributing it among the members of the organization. In this articole are exposed some proposals related to the improvement of accoutancy in non-for-profit organizations, which will lead to the providing of some true and objective information to information users.
CAUŞ, Lidia. Aspectele contabilității organizațiilor necomerciale în contextul noilor reglementări. In: Cooperarea dintre mediul universitar şi organismele profesionale: Soluţii şi oportunităţi în dezvoltarea durabilă a profesiei contabile: conf. şt. intern., 4 aprilie 2014. Chișinău: ASEM, 2014, pp. 135-139. ISBN 978-9975-75-710-2.