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dc.contributor.authorFedorciucova, Svetlana-
dc.descriptionFEDORCIUCOVA, Svetlana. Studiul merceologic comparativ al produselor de cofetărie comercializate pe piaţa de consum a mun. Chişinău. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole selective: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept., 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 2, pp. 271-276. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-933-5.en_US
dc.description.abstractConfectionery products are complex, high-nutritive and energetic products. They have a sweet, pronounced taste and a special flavor. Through its shape, appearance and color, they produce pleasant visual, olfactory and tasteful sensations. Confectionery products are distinguished by a high assimilable carbohydrate content and are predominantly sugar-based. The energy value of these products is high, constituting 300-600 kcal. Some categories of confectionery products contain biological substances from the raw material. Currently, the food industry produces a wide range of confectionery products for diabetics, curative and for children. Depending on the predominant raw material, confectionery products are divided into two groups: sugar products and flour products. Among the much-needed flour products are biscuits which represent the most complex form of association of the entire range of confectionery pre-mixes in well-defined systems, or after the manufacturer's fantasy. The consumer market of the Republic of Moldova is not deficient in these products, and as recent research shows that it corresponds the needs of consumers. The aim of the paper is the merceological research of the pastry products presented on the consumer market of RM and the identification of the conformity of these products with the quality norms. The object of the research is 6 types of cakes in the consumer market of Chisinau municipality. Research Methodology: The samples under investigation were taken according to the requirements of the normative acts in force. The determination of biscuits quality was performed according to standardized organoleptic and physico-chemical indices. Following the organoleptic and laboratory analyzes of 6 samples of cozonac biscuits, we find that only 3 products (biscuits Tortinca, Rosen, Ukraine, Ţikave, Bom-Bik, Ukraine and Koketka, Bom-Bik, Ucraine) correspond to the requirements of the normative acts in force. JEL: Q02.en_US
dc.subjectnutritional valueen_US
dc.titleStudiul merceologic comparativ al produselor de cofetărie comercializate pe piaţa de consum a mun. Chişinăuen_US
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