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Title: Strategii de gestionare a resurselor forestiere din judeţul Vrancea în contextul dezvoltării durabile
Authors: Margină, Oleg
Pârgaru, Ion
Pătârlăgeanu, Roxana Simona
Partal, Cristina
Keywords: deforestation
forest resources
sustainable development
Issue Date: Sep-2018
Abstract: Territorial development is an essential activity of the human society, whose value and complexity increase as technical development and human civilization. The concept of planning originates in the need to adapt the space to the problems raised by the demographic growth and economic development, the need to use the territory in favor of the human need, to use the resources in the space in order to satisfy the human needs in the long term, without causing great damage to the natural component. JEL: Q23, Q56
Description: MARGINĂ, Oleg, PÂRGARU, Ion, PĂTÂRLĂGEANU, Roxana Simona, PARTAL, Cristina. Strategii de gestionare a resurselor forestiere din judeţul Vrancea în contextul dezvoltării durabile. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole selective: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept., 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 1, pp. 191-195. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-932-8.
URI: ${dspace.ui.url}/handle/1234567890/649
ISBN: 978-9975-75-932-8
Appears in Collections:2.Articole

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