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Title: Aspecte privind contabilitatea pieselor muzeale și a altor bunuri culturale în cadrul entităților din sectorul privat
Authors: Gudima, Galina
Keywords: piese muzeale
bunuri culturale
Issue Date: Apr-2018
Publisher: ASEM
Abstract: In the process of accounting for museum exhibits and other cultural assets of the entity, may appear several problems related to the classification and recognition, valuation and accounting of these assets. The aim of this research is to examine the problems related to the accounting of museum exhibits and other cultural goods in the conditions of harmonizing the accounting of the Republic of Moldova with international practices. JEL: M42; CZU:657.4:069.5(478).
Description: GUDIMA, Galina. Aspecte privind contabilitatea pieselor muzeale și a altor bunuri culturale în cadrul entităților din sectorul privat. In: Contabilitatea şi auditul în condiţiile globalizării: realităţi şi perspective de dezvoltare = Accounting and auditing in the globalized conditions: realities and prospects for development : conf. șt. intern., ed. a 7-a., 19-20 apr. 2018. Chişinău : S. n., 2018, pp. 298–305. ISBN 978-9975-127-59-2.
Appears in Collections:2.Articole

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