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Title: Dezvoltarea durabilă în turismul european
Authors: Livandovschi, Roman
Keywords: dezvoltare durabilă
turism durabil
turism verde
dezvoltare turistică regională
Issue Date: 2013
Publisher: Academia de Studii Economice din Moldova
Series/Report no.: Analele ASEM;ediţia a XI-a. Nr.1 / 2013
Abstract: The article “Sustainable development of European tourism” offers the definition of the concept of the sustainable development and sustainable tourism with respect to European tourism. It highlights the importance of this kind of tourism for the European countries and emphasizes on its major aspects in accordance with recommendations of different involved organizations, such as World Tourism Organization. Within the articles there is given the analysis of the European tourist arrivals and receipts in 2001 compared to the worldwide results. It also focuses on programs of certificating tourism services, such as Blue Flag etc.
Appears in Collections:2.Articole

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