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dc.contributor.authorMitkov, Milen-
dc.descriptionPublicat in: Culegerea de articole şi teze ale comunicărilor prezentate în cadrul Conferinței Ştiințifice Internaționale "Rolul investițiilor în dezvoltarea economiei digitale în contextul globalizării financiare" consacrate celei de-a 25 aniversări de la fondarea ASEM, Chişinău, 22-23 decembrie 2016 = Collection of articles and theses of the communications presented within the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary since the founding of AESM "Role of investments in the development of digital economy in the context of financial globalization", December 22-23, 2016. - Chişinău : ASEM, 2017. - 261 p. ; tab., fig.. - Antetit.: Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei, Catedra Investiții și Piețe de Capital. - Include bibliogr.. - ISBN 978-9975-75-866-6. (p.123-124)en_US
dc.description.abstractIn recent years, it is particularly relevant topic related to investment activities of insurance companies. These companies are actively involved with performing investment activities, creating conditions for further acceleration of economic development. For obtaining a clearer idea of what is necessary to trace the dynamics of investment in insurance to total investments in the country, which will outline, to some extent, the effect of insurance companies on the economy. JEL: G22en_US
dc.publisherEditura ASEMen_US
dc.subjectinsurance companiesen_US
dc.titleTrends in investments of insurance companies in Bulgaria for period 2010-2015en_US
Appears in Collections:2.Articole

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