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Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 921 to 940 of 1107
Issue DateTitleAuthor(s)
2017-11The accounting and fiscal treatment of provisionsGrosu, Veronica; Adumitresei, Elena Lacrimioara
2017-11Accounting considerations on the evaluation and reevaluation of non-current assetsMihalciuc, Camelia; Cosmulese, Cristina Gabriela; Ţăran, Simona; Daneliuc, Raluca Ionela
2017-11Research on the tax accounting for the companies listed in RomanianBoghean, Florin; Popovici, Ramona
2017-11References in the evolution of accounting in the period of Roman ImperiumHlaciuc, Elena; Niculica, Ioana Veronica
2017-11Financial accounting information- utility in decision fundamentationHlaciuc, Elena; Vultur, Petronela
2017-11The accounting and tax practice of gamblingCiubotariu, Marius; Haisan, Adriana-Ioana; Kustron, Teodora
2017-11Comparative studies on the disclosure of information about intellectual capital in financial reports of entities in different parts of the worldCosmulese (Leliuc), Cristina Gabriela
2017-11Comparative study on the stage for the fulfilment of the convergence criteria by Romania and the countries of Central and South-Eastern EuropeApetri, Anisoara Niculina; Borz, Beniamin
2017-11Comparative analysis of performance indicators of the entities from wood processing fieldMihalciuc, Camelia; Barnea, Laura
2017-11The environmental balance sheetCosmulese, Cristina Gabriela; Axentioi, Mălina
2017-11Romania's efforts to implement the directive 2011/85/EU concerning budget implementation reporting and the compliance with IPSAS 24 on the presentation of budget information in financial statementsHlaciuc, Elena; Măciucă, Gianina; Ailoaiei, Rodica
2017-09Aspecte generale privind proiectul legii contabilităţii şi raportării financiareVîrtosu, Artur
2017-09Unele particularităţi ale contabilităţii şi analizei performanţelor privind rezultatele financiareCojocari, Ala; Samson, Ina
2017-09Avansuri acordate pentru imobilizările corporale: tratamente contabile şi fiscalePopovici, Mihai
2017-09Contabilitatea în cadrul sistemului informaţional modernGrîu, Maia
2017-09Planul de conturi – o enigma în procesul contabilBrînzila, Liuba
2017-09Gestiunea şi auditul sistemelor electronice privind transferul de resurse băneştiŞtahovschi, Ada
2017-09Cовершенствование использования современных программных продуктов для проведения аудитаМишова, Татиана; Постолаки, Борис
2017-09Raportarea integrată: componenţa şi modul de dezvăluire a informaţieiLapiţkaia, Liudmila
2017-09Rolul tehnologiilor informatice în exercitarea misiunilor de audit financiarIachimovschi, Anatolie
Collection's Items (Sorted by Submit Date in Descending order): 921 to 940 of 1107