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dc.contributor.authorHotnogu, Marius-
dc.identifier.issn978-9975-167-63-5 (PDF).-
dc.descriptionHOTNOGU, Marius. Aspecte contabile aferente diferențelor de curs valutar și de sumă = Accounting Aspects Relating to Exchange Rate and Amount Differences. Coord. șt. Angela POPOVICI. In: Challenges of accounting for young researchers [online]: international student scientific conference, ISSC 2024, 8th Edition, March 15-16, 2024: Collection of scientific articles. Chişinău: SEP ASEM, 2024, pp. 239-241. ISBN 978-9975-167-63-5 (PDF).en_US
dc.description.abstractThis article examines the accounting aspects of exchange rate and amount differences, which mainly refer to: - concretization of the definition and amount; - establishing the moment in which the differences in exchange rate and amount appear; - highlighting the method of calculating the differences in the exchange rate and the amount; - reflecting exchange rate and amount differences established in accounting. Transactions in foreign currency include the export/import of goods and services, granting/receiving credits and loans, financial investments, founders' contributions to the social capital and other operations permitted by the legislation in force. These aspects result from the changes made in the National Accounting Standards and the General Plan of Accounting Accounts, which entered into force on January 1, 2020. CZU: [657.422+657.423]:336.748.1(478); JEL: F31, M41; DOI:
dc.subjectexchange rate differencesen_US
dc.subjectamount differencesen_US
dc.subjectexchange rateen_US
dc.subjectforeign currencyen_US
dc.subjectcurrent incomeen_US
dc.subjectcurrent expensesen_US
dc.titleAspecte contabile aferente diferențelor de curs valutar și de sumăen_US
dc.title.alternativeAccounting Aspects Relating to Exchange Rate and Amount Differencesen_US
Appears in Collections:2.Articole

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