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Title: Analiza bibliometrică privind raportarea de sustenabilitate – tendința istorică și evoluția potențială
Other Titles: A Bibliometric Analysis on Sustainability Reporting – Historical Trend and Potential Evolution
Authors: Bezergheanu, Oana-Valentina
Keywords: sustainability reporting
bibliometric analysis
literature review
non-financial reporting
Issue Date: Mar-2024
Publisher: ASEM
Abstract: The business environment started to show an increased interest for sustainability reporting. The aim of this paper is to explores scientific progress, maps research connections and subjects, and to critically analyse gaps and future opportunities in sustainability reporting literature. I have gathered and filtered data from Web of Science platform, resulting in a final sample of 419 articles. Using the data extracted, I have created bibliometric networks, cover trends in citations, authors and keywords, using VOSviewer software. I have also conducted a review analysis to demonstrate the significant rise in scholarly literature since 2005, showing notable groupings in sustainable development, sustainability and decision-making. Additionally, the study offers practical insights for organizations, policymakers, and stakeholders, thereby closing the gap between theory and practice and enhancing the practical utility of research. CZU: 001.811:657.37; JEL: M14, M41, M49, Q56; DOI:
Description: BEZERGHEANU, Oana-Valentina. Analiza bibliometrică privind raportarea de sustenabilitate – tendința istorică și evoluția potențială = A Bibliometric Analysis on Sustainability Reporting – Historical Trend and Potential Evolution. Scientific coord. Ovidiu-Constantin BUNGET. In: Challenges of accounting for young researchers [online]: international student scientific conference, ISSC 2024, 8th Edition, March 15-16, 2024: Collection of scientific articles. Chişinău: SEP ASEM, 2024, pp. 64-70. ISBN 978-9975-167-63-5 (PDF).
ISBN: 978-9975-167-63-5 (PDF).
Appears in Collections:2.Articole

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