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Title: Strategii moderne ale STN în ţările emergente şi evaluarea posibilităţii de încadrare a businessului autohton în aceste scheme
Authors: Pisaniuc, Maia
Keywords: investiții străine directe
necesitatea atragerii ISD
businessului autohton
Republic of Moldova
state emergente
companii internaţionale
Issue Date: Sep-2011
Publisher: ASEM
Abstract: The subject approached in this article is derived from the need to attract FDI in national economy. The analysis of the economic policies of the emerging markets as well as the strategies for attracting FDI, reveals the similarity and uniformization of these, by the facilities given by national governments to FDIs. Nevertheless some countries register high flows of FDI, and others don’t. One of the factors of non-attracting FDI, being the lack of economic interest of international companies to come to these markets. In this article we tried to present the strategies of international companies and the possibility of the national business to incorporate in these schemes.
Description: PISANIUC, Maia. Strategii moderne ale STN în ţările emergente şi evaluarea posibilităţii de încadrare a businessului autohton în aceste scheme. In: Republica Moldova: 20 de ani de reforme economice: conf. şt. intern., 23-24 sept. 2011. Ch.: ASEM, 2011, vol. 1, pp. 416-420. ISBN 978-9975-75-587-0.
ISBN: 978-9975-75-587-0
Appears in Collections:2.Articole

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