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dc.contributor.authorBajan, Maia-
dc.identifier.isbn978-9975-167-32-1 (PDF)-
dc.descriptionBAJAN, Maia. Probleme aferente predării disciplinelor contabile la specialitățile economice = Problems Related to the Teaching of Accounting Disciplines in Economic Specialties. In: Învățământul superior contabil: provocări și soluții: Colocviu științific cu participare intern. în memoriam prof. Viorel Ţurcanu, 17 noiem. 2023, ed. a 2: Culegere de teze științifice. Chişinău: SEP ASEM, 2023, pp. 56-58. ISBN 978-9975-167-32-1 (PDF).en_US
dc.description.abstractThe mission of teaching accounting subjects to economic specialties within higher education institutions resides in the formation of the skills and competencies necessary for young specialists for their immediate employment after graduating from university. The purpose of the given paper is to establish the problems that arise in the teaching of accounting subjects for economic specialties (with the exception of the Accounting specialty) within higher education institutions. Starting from the small number of accounting subjects and the small number of hours, the volume of accounting information based on specific accounting procedures and principles is very difficult to capture the interest of students from other economic specialties to master these subjects after general economic training. JEL: A22, I25, M40; CZU: 657:378.147(478); DOI:
dc.subjectaccounting disciplinesen_US
dc.subjectuniversity curriculumen_US
dc.subjecteconomics branchen_US
dc.subjectprofessional trainingen_US
dc.titleProbleme aferente predării disciplinelor contabile la specialitățile economiceen_US
dc.title.alternativeProblems Related to the Teaching of Accounting Disciplines in Economic Specialtiesen_US
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