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Title: Lifelong learning essential condition for inclusion in a knowledge-based economy
Authors: Abramihin, Cezara
Șarai, Natalia
Keywords: lifelong learning
formal education
non-formal education
informal education
key competences
educational policies
Issue Date: 2023
Abstract: Lifelong learning is essential to support competitiveness and social inclusion. In the article, aspects of the organization of the lifelong learning process are studied, such as: strategies, forms of learning and directions for inclusion in the concept of the European Education Area. JEL: I2, I24, I26, I28
Description: ABRAMIHIN, C., ȘARAI, N. Lifelong learning essential condition for inclusion in a knowledge-based economy. In: Annals of the „Constantin Brâncuși” University of Târgu Jiu. Economy Series. Târgu Jiu, 2023, no. 1, pp. 68-76. ISSN 2344-3685.
ISSN: 2344-3685
Appears in Collections:20.80009.1606.09 Dezvoltarea politicilor pe piaţa muncii în vederea ocupării forţei de munca (2020-2023)

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