In the era of globalization and mobility, the main burden of information and communication falls on English language. This article examines the role of English in the current practice of international communication, characterizes the degree of research on this issue, and gives the main key terms and concepts as well as opportunities for further development in this field. The importance of the multipolar intercultural communication, with which a large number of people face, amplifies the special role of English - lingua franca, an intermediate language for communication between representatives of different linguistic communities. JEL: A 23.
PANAINTE, Lidia. Rolul limbii engleze în contextul comunicării interculturale. În: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole selective: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept., 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 2, pp. 165-170. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-933-5.