Multiple researches in the field of education psychology clearly demonstrates the essential role of metacognitive processes in achieving knowledge and learning skills, in the formation and development of cognitive research abilities. Therefore, we consider that the subject is very topical because the content and the profound meaning of the metacognition process that has been discussed for some time, without clearly conceptualizing its significance, can be noticed in the domestic educational context. Although ignored or omitted in the current education system, which is too traditional, addressing the concept of learning as a transfer of knowledge, and less as an analysis, understood and used through accumulated experience in order to open up to lifelong learning, metacognition can provide real benefits to all parts included: teachers/trainers and students/learners/trainees. The investigative approach we opted for in this study starts from one of the assessment criteria for the courses taught in the ASEM, included in the FEC 7.5/1 course evaluation sheet, in accordance with the SMC requirements, named: ,,The course develops students' metacognition, the inner dialogue that individuals carry with themselves and helps them to build learning skills that will allow them to control their training.” In this sense, we intend to analyze the phenomenon of metacognition that has connections to the terms: knowledge, metaknowledge, metacognition, etc., using various research-information-documentation methods based on analysis, synthesis, reflection, induction, deduction, observation, discussion, and own experience. The present study has claimed to bring added value to the field investigated by analyzing the metacognition concept, its strategies and benefits, by identifying effective ways to develop metacognitive abilities, revealing the opportunity for training, acquiring and developing metacognitive skills for teachers/trainers and students/trainees, and to put forward proposals and recommendations with the aim of facilitating metacognition in the educational process, making academic education more effective and lifelong. JEL: A 22, I 21, I 23.
RUSU, Djulieta. Metacogniţia în instruirea academică. În: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole selective: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept., 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 2, pp. 139-150. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-933-5.