Globalization has begun to look at human history, from the moment the population migrates to a better life. This is a consequence of the development of technologies, services and commerce, the population wanting to discover more and more places. The history of globalization is accentuated with the process of industrialization, shaping the emergence of great migratory flows, new continents, territories and empires. In Romania, globalization has been dynamic since 1990 and today, the proliferation of information and communication technology has allowed both changes in how people and organizations interact, as well as changing mentalities, the issue of volunteering being still a widely discussed issue Through this paper we aim to present the characteristics of Romania's economy viewed from the perspective of globalization. As a research method, the study was carried out by conducting a review of the literature to understand how the Romanian economy is mirrored and an identification of those characteristics that have been developed predominantly in the context of globalization. In conclusion, globalization is a complex system or phenomenon that can be analyzed differently. Globalization brings prosperity, with people having access to a larger quantity of goods and technologies. Due to the fact that the progress of globalization takes place at the planetary level, the areas left behind are capitalized through their deposits, resources of raw materials, energy and human resources. Beyond these, globalization is a living, real fact to be faced with regardless of our will. JEL: Q01, Z13
SÂRBU, Roxana, NICA, Elvira, PROFIROIU, Alina-Georgiana. Caracteristici ale economiei României în contextul globalizării. In: Competitivitatea şi inovarea în economia cunoaşterii [online]: culegere de articole selective: conf. şt. intern., 28-29 sept., 2018. Chişinău: ASEM, 2018, vol. 1, pp. 185-190. E-ISBN 978-9975-75-932-8.