ADNOTARE. STRUCTURA și volumul tezei: introducere, trei capitole, concluzii generale și recomandări, bibliografie din 136 titluri, 4 anexe, 120 pagini de text de bază, 36 figuri și 29 tabele. Numărul de publicații la tema ...
Actualitatea temei de cercetare și importanța problemei abordate. De mai mulți ani, informatizarea a devenit un pilon esențial în suportul dezvoltării durabile a economiilor moderne. Informatizarea a devenit un obiectiv ...
The actuality of the research topic and importance of the problem addressed. For many years, informatization has become an essential pillar in supporting the sustainable development of modern economies. Informatization has ...
The article presents the main concepts and theories of behavioral economics. This area has been extremely popular and relevant in recent years in the economic sphere due to its novelty and change in the management and ...
ERP systems play a crucial role in the sustainable development of an organization as a result of the many functions and modules that these systems offer. Thus, more and more organizations tend to implement these systems ...
The relevance of studying non-governmental organizations (NGOs) in Ukraine is determined by their significance in enhancing the resilience potential of local communities within limited timeframes and constrained resource ...
The changing, dynamic and unpredictable development of the external institutional environment, crisis phenomena, natural disasters, cyberattacks and wars, armed conflicts and active hostilities are the reasons for the ...
Infodemic affects all of us at different levels, starting with an individual who may adopt risky behaviour, influence his/her family, spread misinformation into society, increase the burden on the health system, and impact ...
The article examines the independent application of ARIMA (Auto Regressive Integrated Moving Average) and SVM (Support Vector Machine) methods for forecasting non-scheduled passenger air transportation. Based on the SVM ...
This paper considers the role of small and medium sized enterprises (hereafter, SMEs) within an economy and their capacity to adapt during the crises. Although SMEs represent one of the largest groups of companies in most ...
The civil law branch includes several legal institutions, each of which has its role and relevance. Whether they belong to the civil law of obligations, contracts, or civil law of succession, they assert their major ...
International Humanitarian Law (IHL), traditionally referred to as the "law of war," has undergone significant evolution since its inception. Its primary objective has been to mitigate the effects of armed conflict by ...
The contract on payment of child support for minor children is a parental agreement established in the legislation of the Republic of Moldova, giving to the legislator a particular importance in view of respecting the ...
The field of corporate finance is constantly changing, with a strong focus on various performance metrics. This study examines 64 healthcare companies listed on the S&P 500 index over the period from 2014 to 2023. Using a ...
This article aims to examine the role of oversight of the consumer protection framework through the prism of payment services, emphasizing the importance of regulations that ensure a safe and transparent environment for ...
Listing the last ten years of the economic evolution of the Republic of Moldova, the banking system has a strong contribution on the development of the financial system, as well as strongly building up the resilient and ...
This article investigates the multidimensional aspects of financial independence with a particular focus on gender equality. It proposes a comprehensive measurement framework organized around three core dimensions: income, ...
Economic crime includes fraud, tax evasion, money laundering, corruption, and other illegal activities. It usually arises from the desire to avoid the high costs associated with regulatory compliance. Taxes perceived as ...
In recent decades, the world and the region have experienced an energy crisis, expressed in rising prices for energy resources and the complexity of their delivery from traditional places of production. Therefore, in many ...
In this paper, the role of fiscal tools is analyzed through the lens of a transition to a sustainable economy and the support of ecological business practices. These changes force authorities to develop tax policies that ...