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Peculiarities of Accounting and Taxation of Provisions in the Republic of Moldova

Show simple item record Nederița, Alexandru Grabarovschi, Ludmila 2025-02-28T11:03:45Z 2025-02-28T11:03:45Z 2024-11
dc.description NEDERIȚA, Alexandru, și Ludmila GRABAROVSCHI. Peculiarities of Accounting and Taxation of Provisions in the Republic of Moldova. In: Сучасні виклики сталого розвитку бізнесу: тези виступів 5 Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф., 06-07 листопада 2024. Житомир: Житомирська політехніка, 2024, pp. 236-237. ISBN 968-966-683-663-5. en_US
dc.description.abstract Throughout their economic activity, businesses are exposed to various risks, which may lead to unforeseen expenses (losses). To cover such expenses/losses, companies put aside funds, i.e. provision estimates, which, in fact, are potential risk estimates, and represent one of the criteria affecting the reliability of financial reporting. The recognition and taxation of such provisions at Moldovan undertakings is governed by the National Accounting Standard (NAS) “Equity and Liabilities” [1] and by the Tax Code (TC). UDC 657.222. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject Republic of Moldova en_US
dc.subject provisions en_US
dc.subject accounting en_US
dc.title Peculiarities of Accounting and Taxation of Provisions in the Republic of Moldova en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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