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Financial-Accounting Reporting of Non-Commercial Organizations in the Republic of Moldova: Problems and Solutions

Show simple item record Nederița, Alexandru 2025-02-28T10:02:26Z 2025-02-28T10:02:26Z 2023-11
dc.identifier.isbn 978-966-683-629-1
dc.description NEDERIȚA, Alexandru. Financial-Accounting Reporting of Non-Commercial Organizations in the Republic of Moldova: Problems and Solutions. In: Сучасні виклики сталого pозвитку бізнесу: тези виступів 4 Міжнар. наук.-практ. конф. 09-10 листопада 2023. Житомир: Житомирська політехніка, 2023, рp. 202-203. ISBN 978-966-683-629-1. en_US
dc.description.abstract This article examines the main problems that arise in the day-to-day operations of non-commercial organizations (hereinafter referred to as NCO) in the Republic of Moldova concerning preparation and presentation of financial statements and other accounting reports. According to the Accounting and Financial Reporting Law [1], financial statements are mandatory for all NCOs regardless of the legal form, size or particularities of the activity. The composition and method of calculating the indicators of the financial statements are regulated by the provisions of the Methodical Guidelines regarding the particularities of accounting in non-commercial organizations/representatives of non-resident entities (hereinafter – Methodical Guidelines) [2], the National Accounting Standards (hereinafter referred to as NAS) [3] and The General chart of accounts [4]. УДК 657.375.6: 334.724 (478). en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.subject non-commercial organizations en_US
dc.subject Republic of Moldova en_US
dc.subject accounting en_US
dc.subject Financial-Accounting Reporting en_US
dc.title Financial-Accounting Reporting of Non-Commercial Organizations in the Republic of Moldova: Problems and Solutions en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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