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Emotional Intelligence and Financial Leadership: A Critical Review

Show simple item record Birwatkar, Vaibhav Bantash, Natalia 2017-10-25T09:41:47Z 2017-10-25T09:41:47Z 2016-12
dc.description Publicat in: Culegerea de articole şi teze ale comunicărilor prezentate în cadrul Conferinței Ştiințifice Internaționale "Rolul investițiilor în dezvoltarea economiei digitale în contextul globalizării financiare" consacrate celei de-a 25 aniversări de la fondarea ASEM, Chişinău, 22-23 decembrie 2016 = Collection of articles and theses of the communications presented within the International Scientific Conference dedicated to the 25th anniversary since the founding of AESM "Role of investments in the development of digital economy in the context of financial globalization", December 22-23, 2016. - Chişinău : ASEM, 2017. - 261 p. ; tab., fig.. - Antetit.: Academia de Studii Economice a Moldovei, Catedra Investiții și Piețe de Capital. - Include bibliogr.. - ISBN 978-9975-75-866-6. (p.210-212) en_US
dc.description.abstract Abstract. Financial leaders today face a major challenge in ensuring the function adapts to the changing needs of the business. With growing stakeholder interest in the broader performance of organizations beyond pure financial measures, there is a growing focus on the need to drive improved business performance which can be sustained for the longer term. Finance leaders have a significant role to play in leveraging the capabilities of the finance function to provide insight and commercial support to drive sustainable decision making and bring a broader external market focus to support the strategy of the business, but critically this must be counter balanced by continuing to ensure their traditional fiduciary and controllership responsibilities are met. This need for balanced finance leadership is the hallmark of today’s CFO role. This paper examines CFO role in combining the intelligence of smart technologies with the brains, emotional intelligence and interpersonal skills of talented people. en_US
dc.language.iso en en_US
dc.publisher Editura ASEM en_US
dc.subject emotional intelligence en_US
dc.subject CFO en_US
dc.subject self-awareness en_US
dc.subject self-regulation en_US
dc.subject empathy en_US
dc.subject social skill en_US
dc.title Emotional Intelligence and Financial Leadership: A Critical Review en_US
dc.type Article en_US

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