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  • Șevciuc, Tatiana; Bulgaru, Veronica (ASEM, 2012-04)
    The accounting profession is the totality of the activities that require sound accounting knowledge of the specialists who carry them out as well as of the accounting professional bodies. The accounting profession contains ...
  • Plescaci, Dorina; Teiușan, Sorin-Ciprian (ASEM, 2022-03)
    Currently, the COVID-19 pandemic is the phenomenon that has impacted people's lives and work. The accounting profession has been and continues to be subject to continuous challenges, which cause changes in the activity of ...
  • Ciobanu, Victoria (ASEM, 2022-04)
    This article presents the profit analysis and it was made based on the data of the financial statements of ,,Franzeluța” SA, 2019-2020. As methodological support of the investigation will serve the dialectical method of ...
  • Frumusachi, Ludmila (ASEM, 2023-11)
    Progresul tehnologic din ultimul deceniu a făcut ca tehnologia informațională să devină parte din activitatea curentă a contabilului. Schimbările care au loc ca urmare a fenomenului digitalizării reprezintă o oportunitate ...
  • Dinu, Andreea; Lupu, Elena Raluca; Negrus-Costin, Alina (ASEM, 2023-03)
    The EU Directive 2014/95/EU requires large companies, including those in the energy sector, to disclose non-financial information, such as environmental, social, and governance (ESG) issues, in their annual reports. This ...
  • Bajan, Maia; Moisei, Ana (2020-03)
    The article aim is to study the role of cryptocurrency in the modern financial system in special in accounting system. For study, we used the methods of synthesis and analysis, formalization, and specification. Central ...
  • Botez, Daniel (ASEM, 2018-04)
    În anul 2009, Federaţia Internaţională a Profesioniştilor Contabili – IFAC a iniţiat un proces de revizuire a standardelor privind raportarea. Scopul acestui proces a fost să îmbunătăţească modul de comunicare al auditorului ...
  • Bunget, Ovidiu Constantin; Farcane, Nicoleta; Blidișel, Rodica Gabriela; Dumitrescu, Alin Constantin (ASEM, 2019-04)
    Schimările socio-economice au determinat și vor influența radical modificările în domeniul contabilității (incluzând aici atât raportarea financiară,cât și auditul) direcționate pe patru categorii de factori: tehnologia, ...
  • Paladi, Valentina; Erhan, Lica (ASEM, 2015-04)
    In this article are examined some chalanges of economic-financial analysis under new accounting legislation from the Republic of Moldova. Among these chalanges are mentioned those regarding terminology used in present in ...
  • Bădicu, Galina; Mihaila, Svetlana (Editura ASEM, 2016-03)
    The Republic of Moldova has, de facto, joined the Bologna Process in 2005, and starting with this year multiple reforms in the higher education realm have been peformed. One primary aspect deals with the financial autonomy ...
  • Lazari, Liliana; Grigoroi, Lilia; Bajan, Maia; Grabarovschi, Ludmila (ASEM, 2023-04)
    In this research, a study is carried out on the challenges that accounting will face in the future. The research aims to identify the essence of the circular economy and artificial intelligence through the impact on the ...
  • Dolghi, Cristina (ASEM, 2023-04)
    The given study aims to deal with a particularly important issue with multiple implications related to accounting education and its practice. The topicality of the theme results from its interest and opportunity to identify ...
  • Graur, Anatol (ASEM, 2023-11)
    This paper describes the types of transactions that occur within condominium owners' associations. In the process of property management, the condominium owners' association involves various economic relationships related ...
  • Bajan, Maia; Moisei, Ana (ASEM, 2021-03)
    The article aim is to study tje impact of the pandemic crisis in the financial institutions. For study, we used the methods of synthesis and analysis, formalization and specification. Financial institutions are playing an ...
  • Melnic, Georgeta (ASEM, 2023-11)
    În prezentul articol sunt examinate aspectele organizării și desfășurării învățământului superior la distanță în Republica Moldova, care se referă în principal la: caracteristica învățământului superior la distanță, durata ...
  • Nicolaescu, Ana Maria; Muntean, Neli (ASEM, 2019-03-15)
    In the article hereby we analyze some of the changes that occur in the economic field and appoint which challenges the accounting profession. In this study, we have described the impact of the technological progress, the ...
  • Bucur, Vasile; Ionița, Nadejda (ASEM, 2016-04)
    Dans cet article on examine la necesite de l’application du principe de la prudence dans la depreciation des actifs immobilises. On mentionne la correlation entre la prudence, les provisions et la verite dans les problemes ...
  • Circo, Daniela (ASEM, 2021-04)
    The purpose of this paper was to address both theoretical and applied aspects of social capital accounting in order to obtain a better understanding of notions. The first part of the paper begins with a short theoretical ...
  • Cioban, Alexandra (Academy of Economic Studies of Moldova, 2021-04)
    The aim of our work is focused on the analysis of the possible treatment related to intangible assets, especially on the development of an example of application of these treatments on certain categories of intangible ...
  • Михалевич, Ольга (ASEM, 2019-04)
    Целью анализа эффективности ипотечных операций является обоснование и выработка управленческих решений заинтересованными лицами. Пользователями анализа эффективности ипотечных операций выступают их участники. Автор считает ...

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